Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) French English Spanish
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

No sir we are ship you your parcel in last Monday on 27 date in last month.

But the shipping company put wrong address on your parcel is shipped from uk. therefore the parcel is late . after know about this problem we are move the parcel from Japan.

Don't worry sir you will get soon your parcel. and you can ship it at the time.

Yes sir we know it's our responsibility but we are send you in same date that we are promise with you .

but we will try to make our self more active about your products.

you will take time from your customer and send him 1 or 2 day before at the time.

we are really sorry for that we also want to work with you for a long time.

we are apologize for our shipping company mistake.










3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

He has also been described as a "total adrenaline junkie". Steven Moffat has said of this Doctor, "He's a much fiercer, madder, less reliable Doctor".[31] "He’s not as immediately approachable and he’s not necessarily looking for your approval, when he says ‘Wait here, I’ll be back’, you’re not absolutely convinced... what he’s not doing is reassuring you very much.”[32] Mark Gatiss said that Capaldi's Doctor was "sort of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and even Christopher Eccleston style...it’s someone who’s not immediately going to be your best friend and can be quite abrupt and rude.



3_yumie7 French → Japanese
Original Text

Par votre courriel de ce jour vous me dites ne pas avoir réceptionné un courrier provenant duJapon.Votre demande relève des services proposés par la Direction du Courrier. Par conséquent, je vousremercie d'utiliser le formulaire de réclamation prévu à cet effet, accessible par le lien suivant :
la qualité de la relation avec votre facteur.Vous pouvez aussi contacter le Service Consommateurs, par téléphone au 3631 choix 2 (numéronon surtaxé) ou par écrit à l'adresse "Service Consommateurs 99999 LA POSTE" (formulairepapier + enveloppe T disponible en bureau de poste).Je vous prie d'agréer, Cher Monsieur OTAKA, mes salutations distinguées.Votre Conseiller du Service Consommateurs du Réseau La Poste.

