The common point between Mr.Yanai and Mr. Son, the two business managers whom I respect, is that both leaders always continue to challenge with no fear of failure, trying to be better. In this point, you can find a posture to keep on learning, efforts and perseverance.An old saying states, "Hyaku-shaku kanto ippo o susumu. Interpretating this proverb literally, hyaku-shaku is roughly thirty meters. When you reach to the top of such a long rod, go one step further. The expression is rather unreasonable. However, the true intention of the expression is that it is important to make further efforts than the distance one considers sufficient. You will not progress if you are complacent about the current situation.
It seems that Mr. Yanai and Mr. Son are go forward step by step staying ahead of the top of the 30-meter rod. Although they are world's leading business manager, they continue to challenge to the new things without being complacent about the current situation. I respect their stance greatly. Currently, I have not reached even to the top of the rod, but I would like to continue to learn and challenge aiming the top of the rod to be able to take one step further and stay ahead of the top.
When we review about "learning", we are learning the following two things in our daily life.The first is the learning to grow as a human being. It includes the sociability which we can learn through school life and inter-human relations. For example, one year has passed since a boy left home and began his new college life in Tokyo. He began a part-time job and various activities. With the increase of opportunities to meet and involve himself with many people, his communication skills has been developed. Although he is still a half-man, I believe he has grown big compared to what he used to be one year ago. The second is the academic learning to deepen your knowledge.
Le agradezco su preferencia.En cuanto al paquete, se puede consultar y verificar el estado la siguiente página web: Parece que el paquete ha llegado ya en Taipei y han sido expedido de la oficina internacional de origen. Creo que usd. podra saber el día exacto de la llegada del paquete si visita una oficina de correo más cercana y preguntalo mostrando su número de seguimiento de EMS. Gracias y disculpe las molestias.
No sir we are ship you your parcel in last Monday on 27 date in last month. But the shipping company put wrong address on your parcel is shipped from uk. therefore the parcel is late . after know about this problem we are move the parcel from Japan.Don't worry sir you will get soon your parcel. and you can ship it at the time. Yes sir we know it's our responsibility but we are send you in same date that we are promise with you .but we will try to make our self more active about your products. you will take time from your customer and send him 1 or 2 day before at the time.we are really sorry for that we also want to work with you for a long time. we are apologize for our shipping company mistake.
Capaldi has said that his Doctor is "more alien than he's been in a while." He has stated that unlike his previous two incarnations who cared about humans and tried to understand them, this incarnation "doesn’t quite understand human beings or really care very much about their approval.” Jenna Coleman said of this Doctor, "He’s more removed, you can't quite access him in the same way", referring to the way you could with the more friendly accessible previous incarnation.[30] Capaldi also specifically requested that the Doctor will not flirt with his companion the way his previous incarnation did
キャパルディは自身のドクターについて「最近の作品よりもさらに異星人らしい」と語っている。キャパルティによると、人間の面倒を見て人間を理解しようとした前作の2回の再生に比べ今回の再生人は「人間を全く理解しておらず、人間に認められることを非常に気にかけている」。一方、ジェナ・コールマンはこのドクターについて前作の親切で親しみやすかった再生人を例に挙げて「彼はさらに近づきがたくなって、前と同じようには彼には近づけないわ」と語っている。[30] キャパルディは、前作の再生人がしたようにはコンパニオンとベタベタさせないようにと特別に要請も出している。
He has also been described as a "total adrenaline junkie". Steven Moffat has said of this Doctor, "He's a much fiercer, madder, less reliable Doctor".[31] "He’s not as immediately approachable and he’s not necessarily looking for your approval, when he says ‘Wait here, I’ll be back’, you’re not absolutely convinced... what he’s not doing is reassuring you very much.”[32] Mark Gatiss said that Capaldi's Doctor was "sort of Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and even Christopher Eccleston style...it’s someone who’s not immediately going to be your best friend and can be quite abrupt and rude.
A. All of our leathers are either aniline or vegetable tanned - methods which are considered to be the most luxurious and are reserved exclusively for the highest quality products. As the most natural of all tanning processes, they involve as few chemicals as possible to ensure that the natural grain and DNA of the leather is not compromised. The more naked the product’s finish, the more demanding it is of the very finest, flawless skins. As this leaves the leather’s surface more vulnerable to potential scuffing or marking, however, it also demands a greater level of care and upkeep.
A. 当社の全てのレザーはアニリンまたは植物でなめしてあります。これは最高級品専用の最も贅沢なメソッドと考えられています。なめしの全てのプロセスを出来るだけ自然にするため、レザーの性質とDNAが損傷しないよう、可能な限り化学物質の使用量を減らしています。製品の仕上がりがネイキッドであればあるほど、完璧なスキンが求められます。それは、このようなスキンはレザーの表面に擦り傷や斑紋などが出来やすいためですが、手入れと維持にも一層の注意が必要となります。
Assurez-vous d'envoyer l'article à l'adresse indiquée, car je ne pourrai pas recevoir l'article à une autre adresse et je ne pourrai pas verser le remboursement dans ce cas. Je vais verser le remboursements dès que j'arriverai au Japon. Les frais de transport du rendu au Japon sont à votre charge. Le montant du remboursement est €198 après déduction de €15, le frais de transport du Japon à votre addresse. En effet, les frais de transport ont couté plus, mais j'ai reduit le frais. Vous souhaitez retourner l'article pour une raison personnelle.Veuillez comprendre que nous avons subis des dommages importants et que nous sommes déjà très ennuyés de cette transaction.
こんにちは。ご連絡いただきありがとうございます。まずIPアドレスについて、私は今外出中ですので、携帯電話からインターネットに接続しております。また、今回のオーダーは発送先を変更したいので、Shipping addressとBilling addressが別になります。他のクレジットカードでの支払いであれば、対応は可能ですか?支払い方法について、詳しい手順を教えていただけますでしょうか?どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Bonjour, merci de me le communiquer. D'abord, sur l'adresse IP, lorsque je ne suis pas à la maison, je me connecte à Internet via le réseau de téléphonie mobil. En plus, comme je veux modifier l'adresse de livraison de cette commande, l'adresse de livraison et l'adresse de facturation sont différent. Est-t-til possible d'effectuer le payment par une autre carte de crédit ?Pourriez-vous m'indiquer le processus détaillé pour le paiement?Merci d'avance.
As the attached image, the item has already been shipped out on May 2nd. so it is impossible to cancel the shipment. From our experience, normally the item arrives approx, 2 weeks if there is no problem of customs clearing, etc. If you still want to cancel the order, you have to refuse the item when it is arrived. We will issue a refund of 14.05 dollars reducing the shipping cost of 5 dollars. Please note that we can not refund the shipping cost, as we has already paid it to the Post Office. Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Sirs! Allow me to express my respect and ask a question. I like your lot, and I am considering the purchase option. The question is -Is there in the lot original box and Sigma storage bag? Very much like to buy a lens with box and storage bag. And another question - are the price final? or have the opportunity to move down in price? Thank you in advance for your reply. Best regards. Igor.
I create statues, but I make them as materials of photographic pieces. In addition, I create them by hand without using a 3D software. The statues are like those photos above. I create them just as materials for my photographic pieces.
Hello,Thank you for your shopping. We will deal with the refund. Can we confirm that we will cancel the refund and ship the item as scheduled?Please contact the largest post office in your region and submit a damage report. I will write the tracking number. I think it will help the delivery company to search the item and facilitate to the next step.
We examined pharmaceutical products developed and sold globally from the perspective of business activities aiming to provide information which can be an indicator of intellectual property activities in pharmaceutical industry by analyzing the acquisition of right of patent portfolio and patent specifications.In (1), we selected some of the typical global pharmaceutical products and then analyzed the related patents from in both disease categories and drug patent type. As as result, we have found that patent application trend is different according to disease areas and that characteristic in application strategies depending on the drug patent types.
Thank you for your reply. We authorized the return request. The return shipping fee is of your charge. We will process the refund about 10 days after the receipt of the item at our warehouse in the US. Please note that the refund may take time, as we will issue the refund after re-sending the item to Japan and checking it. First of all, have you made an inquiry to the post office?How did they say about the location of the package?We asked the stock of the item to the wholesaler, but the next arrival of the time if after August. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Could you accept that we will deal with the issue by a refund?
Hi there. I have been asked by parcelforce the courier company to pay £37.43 for custom. Witch I am not happy with. They said I have to pay before they can send the parcel to me. I think that's not right. Could you please solve this problem.
Par votre courriel de ce jour vous me dites ne pas avoir réceptionné un courrier provenant duJapon.Votre demande relève des services proposés par la Direction du Courrier. Par conséquent, je vousremercie d'utiliser le formulaire de réclamation prévu à cet effet, accessible par le lien suivant :la qualité de la relation avec votre facteur.Vous pouvez aussi contacter le Service Consommateurs, par téléphone au 3631 choix 2 (numéronon surtaxé) ou par écrit à l'adresse "Service Consommateurs 99999 LA POSTE" (formulairepapier + enveloppe T disponible en bureau de poste).Je vous prie d'agréer, Cher Monsieur OTAKA, mes salutations distinguées.Votre Conseiller du Service Consommateurs du Réseau La Poste.
週末休みでご連絡が遅くなりすいません卸売りのお問い合わせを頂きありがとう御座います我々は製品リストを持っておらずあなたから依頼のあった商品をその都度探してその時の最良の価格を提案させて頂きますこれは我々が様々な仕入元から商品を仕入れるため価格や用意できる数量がタイミングにより一定では無い為ですPanasonic facial steamerとその他にどんな商品をお探しですか?希望の数量と商品の品番もしくはASINもしくはEANコードのいずれかを教えて下さい
Sorry for the late reply due to the week-end off.Thank you for your inquiry about the wholesale pricing. We do not have product lists. We will make a search of products you request each time you ask and propose the best price at the moment of the request. This is because the price and the quantity that we can prepare to replenish stock from suppliers are not fixed. What kind of products are you looking for in addition to Panasonic facial steamer?Please let us know the quantity, the model number or ASIN code, EAN code of the products you are looking for.
Thank you for your message.However, it is impossible to take other photos, as dust in the lens is really small.