Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] If the invitation to dinner from them, which you infromed us about, can impr...

Original Texts
彼 ら の お 誘 い と い う こ と で す が 、 今 後 の 売 上 を 改 善 し て い く 会 食 で あ るとい う こ と で あ れ ば 経 費 を 本 日 申 請 し ま す 。
Translated by autumn
If the invitation to dinner from them, which you infromed us about, can improve our sales in the future, I'll ask the compnay to pick up the tab as necessary expenses today.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
autumn autumn