Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] "submission order 2866861" was a postal item that arrives on the 24th. Please...

Original Texts
submission order 2866861は24日に到着予定のUSPS郵便物でした。システム入力を完了しているのでこのまま処理してください。submission order 2864848を添付しますので24日到着する郵便物123の提出として書き換えてください。Firstリリース、リターンミントパッケージは2866861と同じ内容でリクエストします。日本住まいで早期リリース提出の為です。提出フォームは含まれていません。大変申し訳ないですがよろしくお願いします。
Translated by steveforest
"submission order 2866861" was a postal item that arrives on the 24th. Please proceed as it is because completed the system input. As I will attach "submission order 2864848", please rewrite it as a submission of a postal item to arrive on the 24th. I will request it will have the same content as 2866861 for the first release and return mint package. That is because of submission for the early release as living in Japan. The submitting document form is not included. Thanks for your correspondence. With regards,

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
17 minutes
steveforest steveforest
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