I purchased the item at the same price level by eBay but found it a fake stuff. As I can't trust the item I ordered this time, I would like to send it back. Please let me know the address to return and would like you to give a refund.
I found the item I purchased was fake. It doesn't have a barcode on the package bottom, doesn't come with the operation manual, is not clean inside despite of a new one, doesn't have a protection sheet on the body, the wrapping for code is different from the official one. From above reasons, I would like you to give a refund.
eBay has products that are sent out from China and are suspected to be fake.
The product that was purchased is imitation.There is no bar code on the bottom side of package. There is no instruction manual, it is a new one but its dirty inside, there is no protective sticker in the main body, the packing of code is different with the regular product. With the above reason, I would like to request for a refund of money.
There is a suspected imitation product coming from China in EBAY