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[Translation from English to Native Japanese ] Regulations Clear the Road for Self-driving Cars Nevada is the first state t...

Original Texts
Regulations Clear the Road for Self-driving Cars
Nevada is the first state to allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on public roadways

In a step that puts Nevada first in the nation while paving the way for unique economic opportunity, the Legislative Commission today approved regulations allowing for the operation of self-driving vehicles on the state’s roadways.

"Nevada is the first state to embrace what is surely the future of automobiles," Department of Motor Vehicles Director Bruce Breslow said. "These regulations establish requirements companies must meet to test their vehicles on Nevada’s public roadways as well as requirements for residents to legally operate them in the future." In creating the regulations, the department partnered with Google, automobile manufacturers, testing professionals, insurance companies, universities and law enforcement all with a common vision of saving lives. Several other states currently have bills in front of their legislators that will follow Nevada into the future.

"Our work doesn’t stop here," Breslow said. "The department is currently developing licensing procedures for companies that want to test their self-driving vehicles in Nevada. Nevada is proud to be the first state to embrace this emergent technology and the department looks forward to sustaining partnerships as the technology evolves." Breslow also said you will be able to distinguish an autonomous test vehicle by the red license plate it will display. When the technology is ready for general public use, a green license plate will be displayed on vehicles registered with autonomous technology.
Translated by yakuok


「ネバダ州は、必ずしや自動車の未来となるものを初めて受け入れる州となる」、と陸運局長のBruce Breslow氏は述べた。「これらの条例では、将来、企業や住民が各々の自動車をネバダ州の公道上で合法的に運転する際に満たさねばならない条件が制定されている。」


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
yakuok yakuok