Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] 6. It is the basic foundation. It is their manner. The Japanese people have f...

Original Texts
6. 基本の基です。マナーです。日本人のお肌のキメは細かく繊細です。マッサージをしすぎるとシワの原因になりますので朝晩ローションを大量に塗布しパッティングを優しくして下さい。年齢の3倍はして下さい。キメが整い血行が活性化し、保湿も高まります。そして何より「綺麗になりたい!」と意識すれば誰でも必ず綺麗になると思います。
Translated by yukiya
6.Having good manners is the most basic of all. Japanese have fine and sensitive skin. Too much massage causes wrinkles so gently patting your face with an ample amount of lotion every morning and night. Pat 3 times as many as your age. It will give you finer skin and activate the circulation of the blood as well as boosting the skin's ability to retain moisture. Most important, everyone can surely be beautiful if she wishes so.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
24 minutes
yukiya yukiya