Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] What you are reading this now means that you received the package without inc...

Original Texts
あなたがこれを読んでいるということは荷物が無事に着いたということですね?以前私はUSからCDを買った際ケースが割れていたことがあったので梱包剤を沢山いれました。荷物が大きくなってしまってごめんなさい。INROCK 3月号も同封しました。インタビューは来月号に続くそうです。私は再びこの雑誌を買わなければなりません。なんて彼らは商売上手なんでしょう!(笑) あなたが私にお礼の何かを送る必要は全くありません。私はあなたと今までどおりメールやtwitterで話せるだけで充分幸せです。
Translated by michelle
If you are reading this, it should mean that you safely received the package. I put in a lot of packing materials since I had once bought CDs from the US and the CD cases were broken. Sorry that the package has become so big. I also enclosed the March issue of INROCK. It seems like the interview continues on to the next month's issue. I have to buy the magazine again. They are such good business people! lol. There is no need for you to send me anything in return. I am just happy being able to talk to you through email and twitter like we have been doing.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
michelle michelle
Hi, everyone.
I was born in Japan and grew up in the US. I'm fluent in both ...