About outfit - The outfit will be knitted. The seamstress who sewed that beautiful outfit is no longer working. Hasn't been working for over a year.
he doll will have knitted outfit. and I could try to sew a pink outfit with a pretty hat. But I can't sew shoes
About tummy plate - it is not available in Russia, I asked a lot of craftsmen, they don't have it at home
It is available here
その人形はニットの衣装を着ています。 可愛らしい帽子とピンクの衣装を縫おうと努めましたが、やはり靴は縫えません。
腹部プレートについて - ロシアでは入手できません。多くの職人に尋ねましたが、彼らの家にはありませんでした。