私は天体観測が趣味で、先月、Mauna Loaに天体観測に行きました。その時、Makotoから、The Siteの資材が強風で散乱してないか、様子を見てきて欲しいと頼まれました。
今回は、Makotoからは、NOAAの研究者がThe Siteを見たいので、都合が合えば、現地を案内して欲しいと頼まれました。
Dear Steve,
Since I am bad at speaking English, I can communicate better on emails that over the phone.
I run an IT consulting company in Tokyo. I don't live in Hawaii.
I like doing an astronomical observation and went to Mauna Loa to do that last month. There, I was asked to see if the materials of The Site were not scattered around due to the strong wind.
This time, I was asked by Makoto to guide the researchers from NOAA if I can make it as they want to see The Site by themselves.