whole sale accountの承認を頂きまして本当に感謝致します。
E-mail newsletterにある「all wholesale-eligible items. 」という
One thing I want to check.
As before, after logging in to ◯◯.com, you do not go on shopping as it is. You newly click the string rink called "all wholesale-eligible intems." on e-mail neswletter, you cannot check the whole sale price by looking at the page jumped.
Is that what you mean?
I would like to confirm one thing just to make sure, but can I presume that we cannot confirm the wholesale price unless we look at the page displayed after clicking the link of the string "all wholesale-eligible items. " next to E-mail newsletter instead of logging in △△△.com and starting the shopping just like as before?
We(I) are(am) looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you & Best regards,