3.NECコム/ 太田・財務部長 VS IBM/ 鈴木
・これまで色々と不満があったが、今回、IBM Japanのメンバーが増えることによって体制が強化されるというので、トライアルが順調に進むことを期待している。
3. NEC Com/ tresurer Ohta VS IBM/Suzuki
(Comment from Ohta)
*I have been having many complaints, however this time I expect the trial proceeds well, as the increase of IBM Japan members will beefen up the system.
*I would like work proceeds speedily, as the trial duration is short.
*Tresurer Ohta will move to another department at the end of this month. He sent Mr.Tajima a messeage, saying "Thank you for all the cooperation".
As mentioned above, we positively receive this Mr Yamada's case.
After July, NEC group will have change in personnel for manager of TRM section. I will do my best effort for ERP's roll out' smooth propel even though NEC becomes new system. Also I will proceed this trial well. And in CFO conference held in September, NEC group will officially chosen for IBM's ERP, and used NEC group all over the world. To succeed that I will do my best.