Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] "Psychederhythm", a guitar shop located in Ebisu, Tokyo is a studio trusted b...

Original Texts
 東京 恵比寿のギターショップ「Psychederhythm」は、ミュージシャンからのオーダーギターやリペアを手がけるなど、プロからの信頼も厚い工房である。現場の第一線で使用されてきた楽器に触れることで得たノウハウが多分に活かされたオリジナルギターは、「現場で活躍する“質”の高い楽器」をコンセプトに制作されており、ストレスのない演奏性と圧倒的なクオリティを感じることができます。ギターの市場では見かける機会の少ない個性的なカラーリングの採用も同ブランドの人気に繋がっています。
Translated by bluejeans71
"Psychederhythm", a guitar shop located in Ebisu, Tokyo is a studio trusted by professionals as the studio handles the orders of guitars from musicians and repairs the guitars. The original guitar is made based on the concept of "an active musical instrument with high quality" with the techniques that adopt know-hows
the manufacturer has acquired through touching a number of instruments; you can feel stress-free playability
and overwhelming quality. The distinctive coloring you can seldom see in the guitar market is another factor that makes the brand so popular.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
19 minutes
bluejeans71 bluejeans71
This is a Japanese freelance translator having a command of English.
(My Sp...