2012年2月19日 avexのアイドル専用レーベル「iDOL Street」の第2弾アーティストとして結成された9人組アイドルユニット。 通称「チキパ」。
2013年1月9日にメジャーデビューシングル「BUNBUN NINE9'」でデビュー。
シングル5枚、ミニアルバムを含むアルバム2枚、LIVE DVD2枚をリリース。
They have released 5 singles and 2 albums, including a mini one, and 2 DVDs featuring their live performance.
They are a group known for their excellent singing skills and aggressive live performance. They are now in great progress as a group.
They made a debut by major debut single song, BUNBUN NINE9', in January 9 2013.
They released 5 single CDs, 2 Albums including mini album, and 2 LIVE DVDs.
They are idol group and show rapid growth by high singing talent, and having a sense of unity and aggressive live performance.
They have appeared with the major debut single "BUNBUN NINE9'" on January 9, 2013.
So far, five singles, two albums including mini album, and two LIVE DVD have been released.
This girl's group shows rapid growth by an aggressive live performance with high singing ability with a sense of unity
It has released 5 singles, 2 albums including a mini one, and 2 live DVDs. With its high singing prowess and aggressive live performance, "Chekypa" is one of exploding idle groups.
品川ステラボール・赤坂BLITZでのワンマンライブを経験。 2014年夏には「ROCK IN JAPAN2014」に出演、 秋にはNY市最大の音楽フェスティバル「CBGB FESTIVAL 2014」にツアーファイナル公演として参加。
なんと、メインステージの出演は日本人初出場! 2015年はフランス・パリ、アメリカ・LAでのライブ活動も行い、グローバルに活躍中。
Oh, the appearance at the main stage was the first performance as Japanese! They did live activities in Paris of France, Los Angels of US in 2015. They are playing an active role in worldwide.
Appearance on the main stage is the first success for Japanese artists! In 2015, they performed in the live activities in Paris in France and LA in United States. They are actively performing by global level.