Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] There is a phrase "We should not forget what we had on our mind in the beginn...

Original Texts
「初心忘 るべからず」という言葉があります。物事を始めたばかりのころは、何も分からずうまくいかないため、謙遜になって師匠の話を聞き精進しますが、少し慣れて くると、慢心に陥って、精進することを怠ってしまわないよう、いつまでも最初の頃の気持ちを忘れないようにしなさい、という意味です。
Translated by sujiko
There is a phrase "We should not forget what we had on our mind in the beginning."
It means as follows. When we start something, as we are not well versed in it and things do not go well,
we tend to work hard by listening to advice of our teacher by being modest. However, as we tend to be arrogant
when we are kind of used to it and forget working hard, we should not forget what we felt in the beginning.

It must apply to religion as well. When we are in a difficulty and sadness, we pray and learn the Bible seriously.
But when things go well, we feel as if we could live without God unconsciously.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
37 minutes
sujiko sujiko