info@abc.comに卸販売について問合せましたところ、Ms. Trishにこちらのページをご紹介いただき、ご連絡致しました。弊社ではゲームやフィットネスグッズ、ゴルフ用品等をアメリカより輸入し、日本で販売している日本の輸入販売業者です。今回御社のA-WATCHを44個、B-WATCHを4つ、日本市場での販売用にKickstarterで購入いたしました。こちらの2商品は日本でも人気で、今後も是非とも御社の商品を継続的に日本で販売したいと思っております。
Upon your inquiry to about sales, Ms. Trish contacted me and introduced me to this page. Our company imports products from America such as games, fitness goods or golf supplies and sells within Japan, as a Japanese import vendor. This time I bought 44 of the A-WATCH and 4 of the B-WATCH as a Kickstarter for selling in the Japanese market. These 2 products are also popular in Japan, so I would like to continue selling your company's products in Japan from now on.
As you know, the Japanese market is a large market of about 130 millions population. Even in the present situation, though your WATCH series are popular, they are still low degree of recognition, by public relations activities from now on, they seem to expand the numbers of more selling. We contacted you with the wish, by whatever means necessary, of our selling WATCH to you who are used to dealing with selling.
Also, it is possible for your designated order of a minimum lot order of 100 pieces. If possible, we can talk face to face through Skype and then you can judge. Thank you in advance.