Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] He is right. Would you check with delivery company again? I will tell the ma...

Original Texts
再度 運送会社に確認して頂けませんでしょうか。本社には、支払い金額の半分を支払うように連絡しておきます。商品輸入する会社が、決まっていなかったので、商品代金が支払いができませんでした。今週中には、輸入する会社が決定するので、商品代金を支払うことができます。お客さんから下記のメールが、ありました。お客さんは請求書の半分を支払うので、残りは、御社で支払う手続きをして頂けませんでしょうか。今、商品を発注したら、いつ頃
Translated by sujiko
He is right.
Would you check with delivery company again? I will tell the main office to pay half of the amount.
As the company by which we import the item was not decided, we could not pay for the item.
As we will decide the company by which we import within this week, we can make a payment for the item.
We received an e-mail from our customer listed below. As the customer pays for half of the amount listed in
the invoice, would you arrange for making a payment for the remaining amount?
If we order the item now, when can you send the item??

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
40 minutes
sujiko sujiko