Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] We’ve been talking about these concepts since this 1971 cover of Time Magazin...

Original Texts
We’ve been talking about these concepts since this 1971 cover of Time Magazine asked the question: Will “the new genetics” turn man into superman? The answer, dare I say, is fast-approaching.

Prakash Menon is CEO of BaseHealth, a platform enabler that adds genomic precision to modern health and wellbeing offerings.
Translated by amarone95
この1971年のTime Magazineのカバーが次の質問をして以来、これらのコンセプトについて私たちは語ってきた。「新しい遺伝学」は、人間をスーパーマンに変えるか?答えは、恐れずに言えば、急速に近づいている。

Prakash Menon氏は、BaseHealth社のCEOであり、同社はゲノムの精度を現代の健康と福利の提供に追加するプラットフォームを実現する企業である。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
amarone95 amarone95
