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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Section 4 provides guidelines for getting the best results as well as some de...

Original Texts
Section 4 provides guidelines for getting the best results as well as some detailed unit information.

1. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS 5 times a week.
2. Use the strongest training intensity you can - the harder you work your muscles, the better the results you will see, but remember, stimulation should never be uncomfortable.
3. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS as part of a normal, healthy lifestyle. Improve your diet and try to increase the amount of exercise you do.
4. Your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS has 7 toning programmes which are listed in the table below. There are 5 core programmes and 2 bonus programmes. We recommend that you begin with programme 1 - Beginner. The unit will automatically progress you through each programme up to programme 5 - Pro.

Programme 1 is set automatically when you switch your unit on for the first time. The display will show
the programme currently selected.

the table below gives you information about the 7 toning programmes.

NOTE: All micro-coulomb (μC) values are rounded off to the nearest integer value. This measures the effectiveness of the muscle workout - the higher the μC value, the more effective the muscle workout.

All programmes have “warm up” and “warm down” phases. The warm-up prepares your muscles for the main part of your session. The warm down relaxes your muscles as the session is finishing - as you would when exercising. NOTE: You cannot change a programme during a session. You must first switch your unit off and then on again. Then you can select a different programme by pressing the programme button. Programme 6 delivers a strong abdominal workout, which is useful for those involved in sport. Programme 7 is lower in intensity and is useful when you require a less vigorous abdominal muscle workout.

5. Use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS whenever it suits you.
You can use your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS almost any time and any place. You can use it at home watching television, working at a desk, in the garden or even walking outdoors. Your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS really is a convenient way of toning your abs.

6. To help you get the most from your SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABS, we recommend that you follow our 30 day plan. To follow this plan, use your belt 5 times a week for 4 weeks and record your highest intensity levels in your diary (pages 16-17). Each week you have two rest days to allow your muscles to recover. The diary below shows one person’s toning intensity, recorded during scientific testing over a 30-day period.

NOTE: The intensity level will be different from person to person.

We recommend that you follow a similar plan, trying to push yourself to use higher toning intensity levels all the time. Try to increase your toning intensity from week to week. But remember, do not overexert yourself when using muscle stimulation. Any workout should be at a level comfortable for you.

Each box shows the average toning intensity from either side of the belt.

Fill-in your diary (pages 16-17) every time you complete a toning session. Leave this diary somewhere you will see it regularly. This will help to motivate you to reach your goal. You will soon see and feel that your ab muscles are firmer and more toned.
Translated by yakuok

2. 自分が耐え得る一番高いトレーニングレベルを選択しましょう。あなたの筋肉を鍛えれば鍛えるほど、より良い結果がもたらされます。が、そのトレーニングによる効果は、あなたにとって不快なものであってはなりません。
3. あなたのSLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSを、標準的で健康的な生活の一部にしましょう。食生活を改善し、エクササイズの回数を増やしましょう。
4. SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSは、下記表にあるとおり、7つのトーニングプログラムを搭載しています。それらは5つの主要プログラムと2つのボーナスプログラムです。初心者に適したプログラム1からの開始をおすすめします。





5. SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSをいつでもあなたの都合のよい時に使いましょう。
SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSは、いつどこでも使うことができます。自宅でテレビを見ながら、デスクで仕事をしながら、庭で、そして外を歩いているときでも使うことができます。あなたのSLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSは、腹筋を鍛えるためのとても便利な器具なのです。
6. SLENDERTONE SYSTEM-ABSを最大限に活用するために、私達の30日プランをぜひご参照ください。このプランでは、週に5日、4週間にわたってベルトを使用し、あなたの最も高いエクササイズレベルを記録してください(16-17ページ)。毎週2日間、筋肉を休ませ回復させます。下の日記では、ある人物が30日にわたる科学的なテストを行った際に、そのトーニングレベルを記録されたものを示しています。






Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
yakuok yakuok