Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] · This application to memorize by listening many times without paying attenti...

Original Texts
・カードに登録した音声データのバックアップのためにDropbox API(アップロード)を利用します。
・外部データ(m4aファイル)をカードに登録するためにDropbox API(ダウンロード)を利用します。
Translated by ozsamurai_69
[] This app records voice questions and answers to flashcards to enable you to play them back repeatedly to memorize them.
[] In order to backup the recorded voice data you must use Dropbox API (Upload).
[] In order to record external data (m4a Files) to the card you must use Dropbox API (Download)
It is possible to import/export voice data to the card from Dropbox.
[] There is a setting to enable the playback speed of the voice in the settings option.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
15 minutes
ozsamurai_69 ozsamurai_69
ー 日本語能力試験1級合格
ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式会社(研究ー品質部)

- Passed The Japanese Prof...