JAPAN EXPO楽しそうですね!日本でもテレビで少し報道されてましたよ。
I also had to spend a short while in the hospital for other major side effects, but my health condition has been good now. It is just that I am not much encouraged to step outside because of the horrible eczema.
JAPAN EXPO sounds like fun! I saw it on Japanese TV, too.
My ○ account is administered by the third party (that I request to list and ship items with pay), so if any of them interests you, please let me know straight ahead. I will take care of your future orders.
JAPAN EXPO sounds exciting! It was briefly introduced on TV in Japan, too.
As my account on ◯ is managed by other person (He displays and dispatches items for me, and I've paid for it), please tell me directly if anything interests you.
I will correspond to your request by myself.
The JAPAN EXPO looks fun! I have seen a bit of the information on TV in Japan.
Another person is taking care of my account on OO (payments, listings, and shipping), If there is something you fancy please let me know.
The things you have asked of me I will do myself.
anti-biotics taking for it = anti-biotics I am taking for it すみません。これからもよろしくお願い。