We have this item with the size range from 36(USA) to 42(US10).
If you wish to have bigger size than this range, please either print it in enlarged size, or print it in original size and cut out to spread pattern.
Sizes for this product vary from 36 (US4) to 42 (US10).
If you want to have it in a bigger size, please print it out in a bigger size or print it out in an original size and cut open it.
The dimension of the product is 36 (US4) × 42 (US10).
If you want bigger sizes, expand it before you print or print in the original size and cut it open.
Expand the size of this product is 36 (US4) -42 (US10).
If you want to size is larger than that, then or large print, please open up the paper that was printed in the original size.
This product's size is from size 36 (US size 4) to 42 (US size 10).
If you want even larger sizes, please cut them from the original pattern and enlarge them appropriately.
If you wish to purchase the item data in advance, please specify your request in notes.
We will notify you through an e-mail as soon as the original data are replaced with the translated data.
We also inform customers about our current translation status on the newsletter, so take this opportunity to register for it.
We look forward to serving you again.
Generally our translation period is set to be a month or so, however it may take longer depending on the case.
If you wish to purchase the item data first, please specify in the comment section requesting for the translated data.
We will email you at the time of translated data after replacement.
Also, we anounce our translation status in the newsletter, so take this opportunity to register for it.
We look forward to serving you again.
If you wish to purchase the product data in advance, please indicate that you wish to purchase the translated data when you place your order in remarks.
Once the translated data is ready and replaced with the original data, we will let you know by e-mail.
In addition, we are updating the news about our translation work in our newsletter. If you wish to receive our newsletter, please register to our mailing list.
Thank you very much and we are waiting for your order.
It usually takes about 1 month,though ,we might make you wait a little bit longer at this time.
If you want to purchase the merchandise data beforehead, please write down the note "Need the data already translated." on the remarks area.
We will send you notice by email once the data is translated.
Please submit our mail magazine since we notify how the translating goes on our news letters.
We look forward to serving you again.
It usually takes a month, but we might make you wait a little bit longer.
I you want to buy the data first, please state so in the reference column.
We will inform you as soon as we get the date translated.
We also inform you though a new letter, so please do register for it.
We hope you will use our shop again.
For an ordinary data translation, it takes about one month, but we may request you to wait a bit longer.
If you would like to purchase an item data in advance, please fill about it in the remarks box.
We will get back to you by email once translated data takes over an original data.
Furthermore, the status of translation is informed by our newsletter, so if you would like to receive it, please register for our newsletter.
I look forward to your visit again.
Average translation periods is about one month.But,there is possibility that we make you wait a bit longer.
In case that you want to purchase an item data ahead,please depict a hoping translated data in notes
And,we notify a conditon of translation by newslater so please register it.
I am glad you will use us again.