Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Many pieces of information from basic profile such as height and weight, orig...

Original Texts

身長・体重などの基本的なプロフィールから名前の由来やキャラクターボイス・イラストレーター、ちょっとしたうんちくなどの情報盛りだくさんで紹介し […]

▼前衛的なHip-Hop Jazzにも起用されています

Catch22 - DCPRG feat.JAZZ DOMMUNISTERS & 兎眠りおん


Translated by shioton
I will introduce the basic profiles such as weight and height as well as the drives of names, character voices, illustrators, the little knowledge...

It is promoted in avant‐garde Hip-hop Jazz.

Catch22 - DCPRG feat.JAZZ DOMMUNISTERS &Rion Tone

Here, Rion Tone will rap with actual MC.

The future of VOCALOID will be

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 11 hours
shioton shioton