Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It depicts in an interesting way residents of the fantasy world who respect s...

Original Texts
ここまでは、ごく普通のファンタジー系によくあることですが、この作品はこれから先が本番です。 魔王とその腹心である悪魔大元帥アルシエルが逃げ延びた場所は、何と現代の日本。東京都渋谷区でした。しかも、持っていた魔力は現代では大幅に減少してしまい(完全に使えないわけではないが)役に立ちそうもありません。このままではエンテ・イスラの地に還るどころではなく、この地で朽ち果ててしまうかもしれない。そう思った魔王とアルシエルはこの地で生活することを決意します。そして、行ったことは…。
残り少ない魔力を使い戸籍をつくり、不動産屋でアパートを見つけ、アルバイトで生計を立てていく。 まるで普通の学生かフリーターのような生活を始めてしまいます。さらに悪の総大将のくせにバイト先のハンバーガー屋では、お客様に対する態度がすこぶる評判になり、店長代理にまでなる勢いです。しかし、そんな魔王を追いかけ、勇者エミリアもこの地にやってきます。エミリアは魔王を倒そうとしますが…エミリアも魔王と同じく力を失いテレホンアポインターの仕事について、日々の生計立てている始末です。
原作はライトノベルで人気を博して、テレビアニメ化もされました。 悪の化身のくせに、下手な人間より世間のルールを守り、涙ぐましい慎ましい生活を送るファンタジー世界の住人達がとても面白く描かれています。住んでいるところが渋谷区笹塚の、今時あるのかよ、というくらいのぼろアパートなのも笑いを誘います(ぼろアパートなのに魔王城と称しています)。 結構ほのぼのしていて安心してみられると思います。しかし、ファンタジーの魔法と剣と悪魔との戦いを望む方にも、十分楽しめるシーンもちゃんと用意されているのがサービスいいなと思いました。
Translated by mbednorz
In a parallel world called Ente Isla, the Saint Cross Continent, the war between Demon Lord Satan, leading an army of devils and the humans continued. Although at first, they were advantageous, the perish of humans is now a question of time, but after Emilia the Hero appeared, the situation was turned around and the Demon Lord was wounded in the deciding battle. Leaving behind a promise that he would regain his powers and return to claim Ente Isla again, he escaped to another world through a timespace gate.
Until this point, the story is a rather plain fantasy tale, but in this work, the proper story is only beginning.
The place where the Demon Lord and his confidant, the Demon Generalismus Alciel end up turns out to be... modern Japan. Tokyo, Shibuya Ward. Also, the magical powers they wielded were drastically limited in this world (they're not completely unusable, though), so they will have to manage with their own efforts. Now they're not concerned with returning to Ente Isla, since their very livelihood is at risk. Demon Lord and Alciel decide to start living in this new, strange land. And so they go to...
Using the little amount of magic power they had left, they obtain legal identities, find an apartment at the real estate and start supporting themselves with a part-time job.
They start a life not unlike one that a normal, freshly graduated freeter would lead. In the burger joint where the evil supreme commander is forced to work, he attains good reputation and even ends up becoming a substitute manager. However, chasing the Demon Lord, Hero Emilia arrives in this world as well. She tries to overthrow the Demon Lord, but... just like him, she ends up working in a call center to support herself.
The story won some popularity as a light novel and was soon animated.
Even though he's the incarnation of evil, he abides by the rules of society even more than the humans, the tale of inhabitants of a fantasy world living humble lives is portrayed in a very fun way. They live in Shibuya Ward, Sasazuka in an apartment so run down, it makes you ask if such places even exist nowadays (they're calling it the Demon Lord's Castle, anyway).
Their life looks rather carefree and safe. However, for those who want might and magic from their fantasy stories, the story has sufficiently enjoyable scenes as well.
The anime has ended, but the original novel series is at its tenth volume now. The novels' contents make a second season a possibility. Everyone who wants to see what happens after anime ends, go check them out.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
mbednorz mbednorz
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