この度は USPS の配達遅延にてご迷惑をお掛けしており、誠に申し訳ございません。
USPS に代わりご迷惑をお掛けしておりますことを、お詫び申し上げます。
USPS には調査請求をさせて頂いておりますが、いずれに致しましても商品を再発送させて頂きたいと考えております。
We are sincerely sorry for the delivery delay with USPS.
Having researched this order, we found its delivery slip and domestic records, but the tracking number has been deleted for some unknown reason while it was in the USA, making it currently unable to track the order.
We apologise on behalf of USPS for this inconvenience.
We are requesting USPS to investigate further regarding this matter, but we would like to deliver the products again in any case.
しかしながら、本日再発送させて頂きますので、最短でも x/x ~ x/x が配達予定日となっております。
その際はお詫びと致しまして、$x を追加した額をご返金させて頂きたいと考えております。
However, even if we dispatched the package today, the earliest delivery date is estimated to be x/x ~ x/x.
If that is okay with you, we would like to dispatch this immediately.
Of course, as it has already been a while since the date of your order, we are happy to make refunds as well.
If you wish for a refund instead of another delivery, we would like to add $x as our apology.
重ねて、ご迷惑及びご心配をお掛けしておりますことを、 USPS に代わり深くお詫び申し上げます。
We apologise for asking you this when we are already causing you trouble, but we'd appreciate your reply regarding this matter.
Once again, please accept our sincere apology on behalf of USPS.