こんにちは。私は日本在住の田中 進と申します。気に入った商品が有ったので購入したいのですが、支払の件で念の為にご確認させて頂きたいと思います。
When I purchase the item the delivery address will be an address in the US held by an American company but my PayPal billing address is registered with my address in Japan.
As such, would it be a problem to purchase and make a payment through PayPal?
I would greatly appreciate a response back from you at a time when you find it most convenient.
If I will make a purchase, my shipping address will be in the United States because my company is there. However, the billing address registered in Paypal is in Japan.
In this case, if I make the payment through Paypal, will there be a problem?
If you can reply on your free time, that would help me a lot.
I am Susumu Tanaka, a current resident of Japan. There`s an item you have listed on your web store that I like and am interested in purchasing, and I have a question about the payment, just to make sure.
Upon buying the item, I`d like for the product to ship to my company in America so the shipping address is in the U.S, but my Paypal account is registered in Japan.
In this case, would I have any problems buying and paying with the Paypal account?
Please go ahead and take your time with replying.