Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] no longer ships or accepts international orders or international ...

Original Texts no longer ships or accepts international orders or international credit cards OR Non-US Verified PAY PAL TRANSACTIONS.

Please note that our system uses address verification to confirm your credit card. Internationally based credit cards do not have address verification systems. Even after the address is changed to a U.S. address on an originally international card the address verification system will not work. These policies are the same for international Paypal accounts.

In order for your transaction to work with our system the credit card must be originally based out of a U.S. state AND must ship to a VALID U.S. Address and you do not intend to RE-SELL OR EXPORT. ONLY ships to a VALID U.S. Address and TO CUSTOMERS WHO DO NOT intend to RE-SELL OR EXPORT. We can no longer sell parts if export is involved. (even if you purchased stateside and traveled back to YOUR COUNTRY or Shipped outside the USA). HD considers this "export of HD product".

This Policy is also applied for ALTERNATE COMPANIES (such as Motorcycle Shops, International Shippers, 3RD Party Distributors etc.) THAT INTEND TO RESELL OR EXPORT PRODUCT FOR THEIR CUSTOMERS.The situation we find ourselves is caused by Harley-Davidson Motor Company establishing a policy that can result in the potential termination of our dealership if we break it.
That policy is that all HD dealerships are prevented from selling for resale out side there assigned territory or for export. Even if the dealership is not aware of the final recipient of the HD product the dealership can still be held responsible if HD determines that a HD item sold by a dealership ended up being resold commercially or exported. We are between a rock and a hard place. We must be able to demonstrate to HD that we are taking all steps reasonable to comply with there policy.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your inquiry.
Translated by gloria




Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
gloria gloria