1. おうちで過ごすのと病院で過ごすのではどちらが過ごしやすい?どちらがいい?
2. どうしてご飯を食べてくれなくなったの?
3. Tが今しゅうのためにしてあげられることはありますか?
4. Tにしてもらいたい事、伝えたい事があったら教えてください。
1. Which is more comfortable to stay? Hospital or home?
2. Why did you stop eating?
3. Is there anything T can do for you(S) now?
4. If there is anything that you want T to do for you or anything you want to tell T, could you tell me?
1.Which place is more comfortable to stay, home or hospital? Which one do you like?
2.Why do you stop eating?
3.Is there anything T can do to S now?
4.Please tell me if you have any message to T or anything you want T to do for you.
1. Which one is more comfortable for her; staying at home or at a hospital? Which one is better?
2. Why did she become incapable of eating food?
3. What kind of things is T able to do for Shu now?
4. If you have any suggestion for T please let me know.
When I called S, it seems during daytime and I saw S in the room that has a curtain based on orange with some pattern. There was a TV on the right side next to the window with a curtain. It seems there was no sofa, and I had impression that they placed a carpet on top of a tatami mat.
When I asked S if I can talk to you, S showed me a smiling face. I heard a replay saying "Sure.".
When I ask S if I can talk to her, she showed me a smile. Then I heard a response “sure."