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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Agrippa continued to bear down upon them,and they took refuge, not on the bea...

Original Texts
Agrippa continued to bear down upon them,and they took refuge, not on the beach, but among the shoals formed in the sea by river deposits.Agrippa's pilots prevented him from running his large ships on the shoals.He cast anchor in the open sea, intending to blockade the enemy and to fight a battle by night if necessary:but his friends advised him not to be carried away by rashness and not to wear out his soldiers with excessive toil and want of sleep,and not to trust to that tempestuous sea.So in the evening he reluctantly withdrew.The Pompeians made sail to their harbors, having lost thirty of their ships,and sunk five of the enemy's,and having inflicted considerable other damage and suffered as much in return. Pompeius praised his own men because they had resisted such formidable vessels, saying they had fought against walls rather than against ships;and he rewarded them as though they had been victorious.He encouraged them to believe that, as they were lighter, they would prevail over the enemy in the straits on account of the current.So ended the naval battle of Mylae, between Agrippa and Papias.But Pompeius suspected that Octavian had gone to the camp of Taurus for the purpose of attacking Tauromenium,which was the case. So, directly after supper, he sailed to Messana, leaving a part of his forces at Mylae so that Agrippa might think that he was still there.Agrippa,as soon as he had given his army sufficient rest, set sail for Tyndaris,which was apparently ready to surrender.He entered the town, but the garrison fought valiantly and drove him out. Some other towns espoused his cause and received his garrisons, and he returned that evening to Hiera. In the meantime, Octavian had sailed from Scylacium to Leucopetra, having learned for a certainty that Pompeius had gone from Messana to Mylae on account of Agrippa. He was about to cross the straits from Leucopetra to Tauromenium by night, but learning of the sea‑fight he changed his mind, thinking that a victor ought not to steal his passage, but to cross with his army boldly by daylight; for he was fully convinced that Pompeius was still confronting Agrippa.
Translated by 3_yumie7
降伏する用意が出来ていると思われたTyndarisに向けて出帆した。彼は町に入ったが、守備隊は勇敢に戦って彼を追い出した。いくつかの町は彼を支持して彼の守備隊を受け入れた。そして彼は夕方Hieraに戻った。その間、OctavianはPompeiusがAgrippaがいるために、MessanaからMylaeに行ったという確かな情報を聞き、ScylaciumからLeucopetraに向け航行していた。彼は夜のうちに海峡を渡ってLeucopetraからTauromeniumに行こうとしていたが、 PompeiusがまだAgrippaと対決していると確信していたため、海戦の結果を知ると、勝者はこそこそと通るべきではなく、日中堂々と海を渡るべきだと考えを変えた。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
3_yumie7 3_yumie7