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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Then he summoned Lucius to his presence and praised him for his attachment to...

Original Texts
Then he summoned Lucius to his presence and praised him for his attachment to his brother,because he had taken the blame upon himself while carrying out Antony's wishes,but reproached him with ingratitude,if, after meeting such a favor from himself, he should now refuse to make confession regarding Antony, who was said to have formed an alliance openly with Pompeius. "Having confidence in you," he said, "when Calenus died I took charge of his provinces and army through my friends for Antony, so that they might not be without a head, but now that the plot is unveiled I shall keep them all for myself, and if you wish to go to your brother I will allow you to do so fearlessly." He spoke thus, either to test Lucius or in order that what he said might reach Antony.Lucius replied,saying,"I shall always set my country above gratitude and above family." Octavian said that he would entrust to Lucius,because he was what he was, the whole of Spain, and the army in it, with Lucius,who now commanded it,as his lieutenants.Thus Octavian dismissed Lucius with honor, but kept a secret watch upon him by means of his lieutenants.From thence Antony and Ahenobarbus sailed to Brundusium, which was garrisoned by five cohorts of Octavian's troops. The citizens closed their gates against Ahenobarbus, as an old enemy, and against Antony, as one introducing an enemy.Antony was indignant, and considering this a pretence, and that he was shut out by Octavian's garrison at the latter's instance, he drew a ditch and palisade across the isthmus that connects the town with the mainland. The city is situated on a peninsula which fronts a crescent-shaped harbor, and the people coming from the mainland could no longer reach the rising ground on which the city stands, as it had been cut off and walled in. Antony also surrounded the harbor with towers planted closely together.He called upon Pompeius also to move against Italy with his fleet and do whatever he could. Pompeius despatched Menodorus, who seized Sardinia, which belonged to Octavian, and two legions in it, who were panic-stricken at this agreement between Pompeius and Antony.
Translated by 3_yumie7

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
3_yumie7 3_yumie7