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[Translation from English to Japanese ] There remained to them,including those who had come over from Brutus,eleven l...

Original Texts
There remained to them,including those who had come over from Brutus,eleven legions of infantry and 14,000 horse.Of these Antony took,for his foreign expedition,six legions and 10,000 horse.Octavian had five legions and 4000 horse,but of these he gave two legions to Antony in exchange for others that Antony had left in Italy under the command of Calenus. Octavian then proceeded toward the Adriatic;but when Antony arrived at Ephesus he offered a splendid sacrifice to the city's goddess and pardoned those who,after the disaster to Brutus and Cassius, had fled to the temple as suppliants, except Petronius, who had been privy to the murder of Caesar, and Quintus,who had betrayed Dolabella to Cassius at Laodicea. As Octavian was journeying to Rome his illness became acute at Brundusium,and a rumor gained currency that he was dead.On his recovery he returned to the city and showed to Antony's friends the letters Antony had written.The Antonians directed Calenus to give Octavian the two legions,and wrote to Sextius in Africa to turn that province over to him.This was the course of the Antonians while,as it appeared that Lepidus had not been guilty of any serious wrong,Octavian transferred Africa to him in exchange for his former provinces.He also sold the remainder of the property confiscated under the conscriptions.The task of assigning the soldiers to their colonies and dividing the land was one of exceeding difficulty.
Translated by 3_yumie7

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
3_yumie7 3_yumie7