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[Translation from Japanese to English ] 168 Fatigue accumulates in legs, making muscle tense. As a result, blood ci...

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高輪メディカルクリニック スポーツディレクター 宮田徹先生

夜用揉まれるサポーターを使用された方の声 締めつけ感がなく、就寝時に着用しても違和感は全くありませんでした。逆に締めつけ感がないのでこれで効果があるのか?と思いましたが、足がつることはなくなりました。今のところ足が冷たいと感じることもありません(37歳 女性)

主人がエアコン無しでは寝れないので、毎年夏になると夜中に足がつっていました。夜用揉まれるサポーターを使ってみて足がつる事も無くなり快適に過ごしています( 48歳 女性)

足のむくみがひどかったのですが非常に良い使い心地です。今は快適に使用しています(45歳 男性) 脚も温かく、毎晩のようにツッテいた脚がつらなくなり、安心して眠れるようになりました。購入の際、迷いましたが、思い切ってよかった。と思っています。(46歳 女性)

今までなら前日の痛みが残っており湿布をべたべた、足はぱんぱんに張れ靴を履くにも一苦労だったのですが…。結果は驚きでした。家内が朝起きたら「痛みがない」と言ったのです。家内の痛みに苦しむ顔を見ることもなくなり、一安心です。(52歳 男性)

つけた日は本当にうそのように朝まで足のつりがなくゆっくり休めることができました。朝起きて足をみましたがむくみもすっかり取れていて久しぶりに細くなっている自分の足に感激しました。( 80歳 女性 主婦)

毎年夏が来る度に足のむくみがひどくなり、悩まされてきました。でもこのサポーターは夜寝ている間に足のむくみをほぐしてくれるということと、暑くてもふくらはぎが寒いと感じる私にとってとても良い出合いでした。朝まで気持ちよく休むことも出来るようになりました。( 女性 会社員)
Translated by akihiro_12
Fatigue accumulates in legs, making muscle tense.
As a result, blood circulation gets worse.

Secret is warm bath silicon

Heat effect (for improved circulation)
Comfortably warm bath silicon
Radium mineral
It improves circulation and heat up body.
Germanium is known for its effectiveness against cause of fatigue and pain.

Shiatsu effect (easing muscle)
Moderate shiastu effect
Arrange on massage points
Massage with involuntary movements (turn over) while sleep.
Stimulates muscle with own weight when ying on back.
Supporter works as a foot masseur.
"Night Massaging Supporter" is a innovative supporter which massages your legs without having masseur just by wearing while sleep.

Sports Director at Takanawa Medical Clinique: Instructor Tetsu Miyata
Leg troubles occur when calf muscle become tense from fatigue or when constraint leads to vein congestion. This supporter moderately stimulates shiatsu points on calves for circulation. It also effectively facilitates lymph fluid and oxygen to be carried.

Night Massaging Supporter users' voice
It did not feel constraining. I felt comfortable sleeping in it, which made me wonder if it was really working. I don't get cramp in my leg anymore. So far my legs don't feel cold. (37 year-old woman)

Since my husband cannot sleep without the AC on, I used to get cramp in my legs in the middle of the night every summer. After I started using Night Massaging Supporter I live comfortably with out cramps. (48 year-old woman)

I used to have terrible swelling before I used it. Very comfortable to use. Now I am pleasant with the product.
I stopped having leg cramps which I used to have every night. It keeps legs warm too. I have been sleeping piecefully. I was not sure if I should buy the product, but I am glad I chose to do so. (46 year-old woman)

I used to have pain from previous days and my legs were swelled up covered by poultices. I even had troubles wearing shoes. I was surprised by what the product did for me. My wife said "I don't feel pain" in the morning. I am relieved that I won't have to see her suffering in pain anymore. (52 year-old man)
I applied it one night. I couldn't believe I did not have any cramps through the entire night. I looked at my legs in the morning and it was not swelling. I was very impressed to see my legs have gotten skinnier. (80 year-old woman housewife)

I used to have terrible swelling in my legs and I'd been very concerned about it. This supporter is perfect for me because it softens the muscle while I'm asleep and my calves feel cold even on hot nights. Now I can rest the entire night. (Woman office worker)

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
akihiro_12 akihiro_12
Hi! I'm a 26 year old Japanese male with fluency in Japanese and English.