“Look for inspiration in all different places: You might be surprised what will inspire you to think creatively about engaging your community. While it’s helpful to look to other online communities for inspiration, you may also find inspiration outside of the tech world. In the past few days, I’ve found essays about imagination and community, as well as city planning, just as thought-provoking as pieces like the one you’re reading now.”
Josh Riedel, community manager at Instagram
“It’s a mistake to think that social networks are designed solely to drive revenue and traffic, so it’s best to make your content social by design. Rather than solely marketing your product and promotions, we like to use our content to start conversations around travel and inspire users take cooler vacations.”
– Jonathan Goldmann, social media manager at Jetsetter
Using Visuals
“Photos can be worth 1,000 words (or posts): Our community comes to Jetsetter for our vacation recommendations and reviews, but it’s the photos that people are most passionate about. Our photo-driven content gets the most user engagement in Facebook and Pinterest. We have stunning photography and engaged fans who love to share the pictures we provide and talk about their own experiences with that destination. Also, our Jetsetter team is constantly traveling the globe and when they do, they share their own photo albums, which are popular among our members.”
– Jonathan Goldmann, social media manager at Jetsetter
「写真は1000の文字(や投稿)に相当する価値がある。我々のコミュニティは、休暇のお勧めやクチコミを求めて Jetsetter にやってくるが、彼らが最も喜ぶのは写真だ。写真を中心とした我々のコンテンツは、Facebook や Pinterest でも多くのユーザ層を獲得している。我々には息をのむような素晴らしい写真があり、我々が提供する写真を共有してその旅先での経験を語りたがる固定ファンがいる。また、Jetsetter チームは絶えず世界中を旅しているが、彼らは自身の写真をアルバムで共有しており、これはメンバーには好評だ。」
--- Jetsetter ソーシャル・メディア・マネジャ ジョナサン・ゴールドマン
Making Connections
“If you’re looking to increase engagement, the question you should answer is: How can we continue to strive for meaning? At its core, social media is about making a real connection with something you care about. And it’s about building communities — which really means building relationships. You don’t have to be an “expert” to build a relationship, you just have to be invested and fully present. Your audience will immediately recognize the value you create if every decision you make is centered around bringing meaning to your community. It may sound simple, and that’s because it is.
「参加者を増やすために答えるべき質問はこれだ。『どうやって意味あるものにするために努力し続けられるのか。』 その中核にあるのは、ソーシャルメディアが向かうのは、あなたが関心を持つことに真剣に関わることにあるのだ。コミュニティを作り上げること、つまり関係を作り上げることに本当の真意があるのだ。関係を作るための『専門家』になる必要はなく、自分を全部投資し差し出すことだけが必要なのだ。あなたが下す決断の中心がコミュニティに意味をもたらすことにあるならば、あなたが作り出す価値を周りの人たちはすぐに分かってくれるのだ。シンプルに聞こえるが、それが理だからだ。」
All it takes is a few conversations with people that really care, and you’re well on your way to an engaged and flourishing community.”
– Sheena Medina, community manager at Fast Company
“At Zaarly, we do everything we can to build a stronger emotional connection with the buyers and sellers on our site. Sellers are especially important to us, because they’re the ones that add value to the marketplace, and who will come back and use Zaarly regularly. There are three forms of engagement that we focus on: Engagement with the product, engagement with the brand and engagement with other users.
Fast Company コミュニティ・マネジャ シーナ・メディナ
「Zaarly では、我々のサイトの買い手や売り手との感情的なつながりをより強化するためにあらゆることを実行しています。売り手は、特に我々にとって重要です。なぜなら、彼らこそがマーケットプレースに付加価値を与えてくれ、定期的に Zaarly を使ってくれます。我々が注目する『関与』には3つの形があります。製品との関与、ブランドとの関与、そして他のユーザとの関与です。
Fast Company、コミュニティ・マネージャーのシーナ・メディーナ氏による
Product engagement is very feature driven — simply, what can we build into our product that will keep users coming back? Brand engagement is more human — it’s being very responsive when people contact support or talk about us online. It’s reaching out to people that are using our platform, and talking to them on the phone for a half an hour. It’s following them on Twitter and responding to their tweets, even if they’re not talking about Zaarly. Every time you can genuinely engage a user on a personal level, you have the opportunity to strengthen their connection with your brand. Engaging with users is also very human, but in a different way.
Now that you have people who are highly engaged with your brand, the goal is to connect them with each other. People like to feel like they belong to a community. When they feel a stronger connection to other people in the context of your brand, they’ll naturally feel a stronger connection with your brand overall. Creating private groups on Facebook, or forums are a good way to accomplish this. And you don’t have to make the conversation about you or your brand. As long as these people are connecting around a common interest, you’ll be building a true community and it will result in a lot of amazingly engaged users.”
– David Spinks, director of community at Zaarly
--- Zaarly コミュニティ担当ディレクタ デヴィッド・スピンクス
― David Spinks、Zaarlyのコミュニティ・ディレクター
“I’ve recently started using SproutSocial, and it’s absolutely stellar for a brick-and-mortar business. The CRM and reporting tools are fantastic, as well as the ability to track Foursquare check-ins, which I take complete advantage of. It tells me who has their Foursquare linked to their Twitter, so I am able to see who they are, reach out and thank them for the visit, find out what they ordered, how the service was etc. I do this proactively at least three times a week.
This allows me to gauge popular menu items, customer service (both when praise is deserved for staff and when issues need to be brought to management), the types of crowds particular promotions/events are bringing in, etc.”
– Morgan Brady, social media & events coordinator at Southern Hospitality and Strawberry’s Sports Grill
What’s your favorite tip? Tell us in the comments below, and let us know if you have any tips of your own.
--- Southern Hospitality 及び Strawberry’s Sports Grill ソーシャル・メディア&イベント・コーディネータ モーガン・ブラディ
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