[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] どんな 小さな みちばたの花も おひさまにまもられて 懸命にさいている きみは つめたいことば ふきつけては いないかい 人の心 無理やり こじあけては...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "音楽" のトピックと関連があります。 kamitoki さん janjankun さん steveforest さん tourmaline さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 238文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 37分 です。

ninicoによる依頼 2022/06/24 17:04:48 閲覧 1020回
残り時間: 終了

どんな 小さな みちばたの花も
おひさまにまもられて 懸命にさいている

きみは つめたいことば ふきつけては いないかい
人の心 無理やり こじあけては いないかい

おひさまになって おひさまになって
おひさまになって  てらしたい

どんなおおきな そびえたつ山も
おひさまにささえられ 青々としげっている

あいつ こころとざして つよがっては いないかい
ひとりでも 平気さ なんて つっぱっては いないかい

旅の男の上着 ぬがせたのは
つよいきたかぜではなく やわらかなひざし

評価 55
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/24 17:49:46に投稿されました
No matter how small the wayside flower
It is protected by the sun, and blossoms in earnest

Your cold words, aren't they blowing against?
A person's heart, against one's will, isn't being forcibly opened?

To be the sun, to be the sun
Using a warm heart
To be the sun, I want to shine

No matter which large, towering mountain
It is offered to the sun, It is verdant and lush

Isn't his heart locked and rough?
Isn't he posturing that even alone he's fine?

His coat for the journey, was made to take it off
Not by a strong wind that came, but by gentle sunlight
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/24 17:49:40に投稿されました
Even the smallest flower along the path
In full bloom, protected by the sun

Don't you breathe the crude words of others?
Don't you make your way through people's hearts?

I want to be the sun, I want to be the sun
And with a burning heart
I want to shine

All the great mountains that dominate
Supported by the sun, grow lush green trees

Isn't he stubborn in his shell?
Isn't he saying "I'm fine on my own"?

It was the gentle sun, not the strong north wind
That took the traveler's jacket off
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/24 17:27:00に投稿されました
Every single small flower blooms under the sunshine bravely.

Aren’t you blowing a cold word?
Aren’t you opening a mind of people by force?

Be sun, be sun, with a warm heart.
Be sun, want to shine on.

Even every single high mountain,
Is supported by the sun and greenly lushes.

That man shuts his mind and pretends that he is strong?
"I am good as I am alone", isn't he defying himself?
An overcoat of the travelling man was taken off by a soft sunshine, not a strong north wind.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/24 17:41:27に投稿されました
Even the smallest flower on the road
blooming hard under the sun

You are not wiping off the harsh words
You are not forcefully trying to pry open people's hearts

Become the sun, become the sun
With a warm heart
I want to be a sun to shine

No matter how big the mountain is
supported by the sun and lush and dusky

Isn't he close his heart and behave strong?
Doesn't he pretend not to be afraid to be alone

The wind that made the man on the road put on his jacket
It wasn't a strong cold wind, but a soft sun light





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