I would like to buy 5 more pieces of AA.
I would also like to buy 5 pieces of BB and CC, each.
I would also like to buy 3 pieces of DD, EE, FF, and GG, each.
You told me the wool would not be put into your stock as scheduled.
As I have a few amount of the above 7 types of items left, please send them as soon as possible.
Ukraine is experiencing a great disaster, I hear.
I am concerned about Lithuania because it is also close to Russia.
I pray to all people that no more sad things happen from now.
I would like to purchase at least 5 more AA.
I also would like at least 5 more each of BB and CC and 3 more each of DD, EE, FF, and GG.
It doesn't seem that I can get wool as I planned, but I would appreciate it if you could send me the above 7 products as soon as possible since I have very little stock of them.
Ukraine is in trouble and I am concerned about Lithuania as it is also very close to Russia.
I pray nothing more sad will happen to all people.