Why China’s Coolest Blogger Doesn’t Use Microblogs
Han Han might be China’s biggest celebrity blogger, which is a pretty impressive title for an infrequently-updated traditional blog to have in the microblog age. It helps, of course, that Han is young, handsome, drives a race car, and has cultivated a rebellious political image while so far managing to keep himself out of jail.
In a recent post on his blog, Han Han also addressed why he hasn’t jumped into microblogging despite his domination of traditional blogging and his millions of followers. What’s keeping him off the Weibo wave?
Han Hanは中国でもっとも有名なセレブブロガーだろう。それは、マイクロブログ時代においてまれに従来のブログでアップデートを行う彼には、かなり荘重な肩書である。もちろん、Hanが若く、ハンサムで、レーシングカーを運転し、反政府的なイメージであるが逮捕されることもなくいることは、それを助長している。
彼の最近のブログの投稿において、Han Hanは彼の従来のブログの人気と何百人ものフォロワーがあるにもかかわらず、なぜマイクロブログに飛びつかないのかについて書いた。彼がWeiboの波に乗らないのはなぜか?
Han Han(韓寒)は、おそらく中国で一番人気の有名ブロガーだろう。だが、このマイクロブログ時代に、従来のブログを使い更新もあまりしないブロガーが、中国で一番人気とはかなりの驚きだ。Hanは若くて、ハンサムで、レーシングカーに乗り、そして反政府的なイメージを持っているものの、今のところは捕まらないでいるということが、人気の理由となっているのはもちろんだ。
最近、Han Hanは自身のブログ上で、彼の従来型ブログはかなり人気があり、何百万というフォロワーがいるにも関わらず、どうしてマイクロブログに変えないのかについて語った。どうして微博の波に乗らないのか?
中国最も有名なブロガーHan Hanは、マイクロブログの時代にあまり更新されない伝統的なブログに対してかなり印象的なタイトルであるかもしれない。もちろん、Hanは若くてハンサム、レースカーに乗り、今のところ自分を刑務所の外にいられるように管理しながら、反抗的な政治的イメージを培ってきた。
彼の最近のブログ投稿では、Han Hanも彼の伝統的なブログと何百万人ものフォロワー支配にも関わらず、マイクロブログに積極的に参加しない理由を呼び掛けた。なぜWeibo流行に手を出さないのか?
First, he points out that he would be distracted by trying to woo all the girls with pretty avatars who made positive comments on his posts. With all the seeking through their Weibo accounts to find pictures and such, he’d have no time to write full articles. This is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but Han does have a reputation as a playboy and his writings have been accused of betraying a pretty sexist attitude on more than a few occasions, so I suspect there’s more truth to this than Han meant to suggest.
He also notes, “I am a vain man,” and Weibo certainly offers enough feedback that a vain celebrity could get lost in the endless string of comments, retweets, and (for him) pretty avatar photos.
His real issue with Weibo and microblogging, though, is that its extreme speed, while an advantage when spreading breaking news, is also a weakness. His essay concludes with a story:
"Last week I was racing, and I didn’t have time to go online. On Monday, after the race was over, I opened up Weibo on the car ride home. I saw a friend of mine was writing about a tragedy that had happened a week ago. He said he’d been thinking carefully about it for seven or eight days, had read through relevant materials, and that he felt perhaps it was this way [i.e., he expressed his opinion on the tragedy]. His analysis made a lot of sense, and I really approved of it.
Usually this friend has many people retweeting his posts, but this one only had a few dozen retweets, and one of the first comments was: “How are there people still talking about this, this event [the tragedy] is already old [outdated].”"
If you can stomach his braggadocio bullshit about wooing pretty girls, as usual Han’s article makes a good point. News of tragic events that might previously have been censored in China now spreads quickly on Weibo, but it also disappears just as quickly, leaving time only for snap-judgements and pithy witticisms and punishing users who attempt to use it as a forum for deeper analysis.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is an important thing to remember, and not just for China, as the same criticism might be fairly leveled at microblogs more or less everywhere. News spreads fast, but “traditional” blogs like Han Han’s still serve a very important purpose by offering deeper analysis. Sure, it updates slowly, and sure, plenty of people are bound to look at a big block of Han Han text and respond: tl;dr. But that doesn’t mean society doesn’t need it.