As you listed a fake item, my friend does not trust me any more. I also had to pay international shipping charge to Japan and customs duties.
I cannot forgive you only by refunding amount of the item. Please pay the shipping charge required from Japan to your address.
As you listed a fake item, I will contact eBay and PayPal, and collect the amount of the item.
But if you refund me in full and pay the international shipping charge, I won't report it to eBay and PayPal.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
By you false listing, I lost trust of my friends. In addition, I payed for shipping costs and the customs tax.
I cannot allow you by only refunding me. You must pay for the shipping cost from Japan to your address for return.
As you have listed fake items, I will take the item costs by reporting it to eBay and PayPal.
However, if you issue me a full refund and pay for the international shipping cost, I will not report it to eBay and PayPal.
I wait for your answer.
You showed the fictitious item so that I lost my friend's trust. Also I had to pay the international shipping fee and customs for sending to Japan.
I can not forgive just for returning the amount of the item. Please pay the returning fee from Japan to your address.
You showed the fictitious item so that I will contact to eBay and Paypal and get the refund of the item.
However, if you return all and pay the international shipping fee on your side, I won't report to eBay and Paypal.
I am waiting for your reply.
I lost my friend's trust because you sold a fake product. Furthermore, international freight to Japan and customs duty were incurred.
I cannot forgive you even if you refund the product price. You also must bear the return freight from Japan to your address.
Since you listed a fake product, I am going to receive refund for the product cost by reporting to ebay and Paypal.
However, if you could pay back the product price and also bear the international freight, I will not inform ebay nor Paypal.
I look forward to hearing from you.