Seems like they don’t even have a system as a corporation yet they got to get listed.
Personally I’m not even going to be surprised even if they get into some kind of troubles in near future since their compliance system must be one that’s superficial just to get listed as well.
I just hope the management team is smart enough to know they should not go for something like round trip sanctions against software development using their subsidiaries in a few years where their business goes down.
I'm assuming that the company got listed although they are not ready for making system as an ordinary corporation. There would be no wonder if they caused a scandal because they were only working for listing as well as a compliance system.
For their managers, please keep in mind that they don't try the round trip transaction of software development using their subsidiary company when they experience a drop in their performance a few years later.
Their stock got listed without their appropriate attitude as a company.
Their compliance system was made, in my opinion, just to get their stock listed, so it's no wonder if they make any scandal one day.
The executives shall be aware so they won't start round-trip transaction; of software or similar things when the company cannot go anymore financially good.