[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] (カ)その他前号以外に、当幼児園長と保護者の間で協議し、当幼児園の利用を継続することが園児の健やかな成長を妨げると判断した場合 第11条(秘密の保持) ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" のトピックと関連があります。 planopiloto さん elephantrans さん [削除済みユーザ] さん koqurepusher さん dooom18 さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 12件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1187文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 5分 です。

cosmoglobalkidsによる依頼 2017/03/07 21:24:37 閲覧 1835回
残り時間: 終了


1 当幼児園及び当幼児園に従事する職員は、本契約に基づく業務によって取得した、園児、保護者およびその家族の情報を秘密情報として扱い、必要な範囲で守秘義務を負う専門家へ開示する場合及び法令に基づく要請がある場合を除き、保護者の許可なく第三者への提供は致しません。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 21:36:55に投稿されました
(F) In addition to the preceding item, in the event that XXXX consulted with Parents and concluded that continuing the use of XXXX would hinder the healthy growth of the Kindergarten Pupil.

Article 11 (Maintaining confidentiality)
1. The staff of XXXX and XXXX will treat the information of Kindergarten Pupil, Parents and his / her family as secret information acquired through the work under this agreement and do not disclose the information to any outsiders without permission of Parents expect in case it is necessary be disclosed to experts under non-disclosure agreement or law requires to do so.
評価 44
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- 2017/03/08 00:29:02に投稿されました
(K) In addition to the preceding item, in the event that we consulted with this preschooler and the guardian and decided that continuing the use of this infant garden will hinder the healthy growth of the child

Article 11 (Maintaining confidentiality)
1 The staff engaged in the Preschool and the Preschool will treat the information of the child, the guardian and his / her family as secret information acquired by the work under this Agreement and disclose to the experts who are obligated to the extent necessary to the extent necessary We do not offer to third parties without the permission of parents except when we do and we are requested under laws and ordinances.

2 当幼児園は、個人情報の安全管理に努め、過失による情報の漏えい・紛失・滅失がないように努めます。また、園児、保護者のプライバシーの侵害がないように配慮し、適切に管理します。

1 当幼児園は、園児の保育内容を記載した諸記録を作成し、契約終了後または契約の解約後も、当幼児園で定める必要年数の間これを保管します。
2 当幼児園は、前項の定めにより保管した諸記録について、保育期間終了後は破棄します。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 22:21:04に投稿されました
2 The kindergarten will make effort to keep safe management of private information and prevent to leakage, loss and destruction by the faults. Indeed we will take care not to intrude the private information about children and parents and keep properly.

Article 12 ( Memorization of child care )
1 The kindergarten will make the memory about chid care of children and keep for required years established by the kindergarten after expiration or cancellation of contract.
2 The kindergarten will discard the kept memory by the previous rule after finish of chid care.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/08 00:29:25に投稿されました
2 The child preschool endeavors to manage the safety of personal information and strives to prevent leakage, loss, and loss of information due to negligence. Also, take care to ensure that there is no infringement of privacy of children and guardians, and manage them appropriately.

Article 12 (record of childcare)
1 The Preschool will prepare records describing childcare contents of the child and will keep it for the necessary number of years specified at the Preschool after termination of the contract or cancellation of the contract.
2. The Preschool will withdraw the records kept under the provisions of the preceding paragraph after the childcare period expires.

1 当幼児園は、保育中に園児の身体に急変が生じた場合またはその他必要があると判断した場合は、あらかじめ保護者が指定した連絡先へ連絡するとともに、速やかに主治医または嘱託医に連絡をとるなどの必要な措置を講じます。
2 保育中に園児が怪我をした場合は、職員が保護者に対して説明を行うこととします。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 22:36:20に投稿されました
Clause 13 (Procedures for mergency)
1. In case abrupt change of body happened to the children or in case of other necessary cases the kindergarten informs caretakers or previously designated point of contacts and take necessary actions immediately such as contacting the primary doctor or contract doctors.

2. In case children get injued during childcare staff explain about the injuries to the caretakers.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 22:12:57に投稿されました
Article 13 ( correspondence to emergency)
1 When the kindergarten recognize children's sudden change and other requirements during child care, we will contact to the site selected by the parents and do appropriate action like contacting to doctor in charge or commissioned doctor.

2 IF the children are injured, worker will explain to the parents.


1 当幼児園は、以下の通り、相談・苦情対応の窓口を設置します。
2 保育に関する相談、事業全般に係る要望、苦情等に対して、当幼児園の運営に関して合理的な範囲で、誠実かつ迅速に対応します。

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 22:21:17に投稿されました
The 14th Article (Damages)
We would compensate for the damage which occurred directly, really from the reason that should come to be blamed in question against the parents within general liability insurance which our kindergarten children take out, when we cause damage of kindergarten's life, body and fortune by the reason which comes to responsibility for our kindergarten children along provision of childcare service.

The 15th Article (Measures to consultation and complaint)
1. Our kindergarten set up the window for consultation and complaint as follows:
2. We honestly response immediately about our management for our kindergarten against request and complaint regarding consultation of childcare and the whole business.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 22:07:00に投稿されました
Article 14 ( indemnity)
When the children get damages on life, body and property because of reasons attributable to the kindergarten, the kindergarten will compensate to the parents within the indemnity insurance that we affiliate whereby the providing with child care service .

Article 15 (correspondence to negotiation and complains )
1 The kindergarten set the office for negotiation and complains as below.
2 We will deal with the negotiation about child care, desire to the whole enterprise and complains within the reasonable range of operating the kindergarten in good faith.

 1 保護者および当幼児園は信義誠実をもって本契約を履行するものとします。
 2 本契約に定めのない事項及びその解釈に疑義の生じた事項については、児童福祉法、保育所保育指針、認可外保育施設指導監督基準等の法令の定めの趣旨を尊重し、誠意もってこれを協議するものとします。


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 21:57:48に投稿されました
Article 16 ( Matters that not designated on the contract)
1 The parents and the kindergarten will govern the contract by the principle of good faith.
2 About the matter that not included on the contract and caused the question about understanding, we will discuss about the points established under child Welfare Act, the guidance of the nursery center's child care and standards inspection of nursery center's instruction for non-registered facilities will be taken into account in good faith.

Article 17 (jurisdiction)
If there are conflict about the contract, the court controlling the operating company's area will be exclusive agreement jurisdictional court on first instance.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 23:54:02に投稿されました
The 16th Article (the item excluding this contract)
1. Parents and our kindergarten carry out this contract with fidelity and honest.
2. Regarding the items which are not stipulated in this contract and cause doubt against the interpretation, we respect the aim of the regulations of law, such as the Child Welfare Law, Health Center Childcare Guide and the outside sanction childcare facility teaching supervisor standard.

The 17th Article (lawsuit jurisdiction)
When we have conflict regarding this contract, the court which has jurisdiction the location of management is the first exclusive agreement jurisdiction court company.



評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/07 21:47:56に投稿されました
Article 18 ( Confirmation of explanation about important matter)
Regarding to conclusion of the contract, the kindergarten will admit conclusion of the contract to the parents above hand the "ABC school guide book in the year " including about rule and important matter about the kindergarten in advance and understanding the contents by the parents.

For the evidence about conclusion of the contract, we will make the 2 letters of the contract.Afterward, the parents or the kindergarten twill sign up with name and own each letters.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/03/08 00:29:52に投稿されました
Article 18 (Confirmation of important matter explanation)
In concluding this agreement, the childhood preschool gave parents in advance "ABC School Guidebook for that year" which stipulates the garden rules and important matters, and the parents acknowledged the contents beforehand , I confirm that I have signed this contract.

In preparation for the conclusion of this Agreement, we prepare two copies of this Agreement, and each one of them will be held with the name and stamp of the parent and the Preschool.



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