[フランス語から英語への翻訳依頼] Nettoyer vanne EGR SANS DEMONTAGE - Test du nettoyant Avant / Après Comment ...

このフランス語から英語への翻訳依頼は j-cho さん flor_23 さん lapino_translations さん fsutrill さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2432文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 2時間 49分 です。

rpayaによる依頼 2017/01/26 04:31:13 閲覧 4114回
残り時間: 終了

Nettoyer vanne EGR SANS DEMONTAGE - Test du nettoyant Avant / Après

Comment nettoyer une vanne EGR sans démontage avec un nettoyant Diesel EGR3. Test de l'efficacité du nettoyant en contrôlant visuellement la vanne avant et après nettoyage.

Test d'un nettoyant de vanne EGR sans démontage

Le nettoyage d'une vanne EGR doit s'effectuer moteur chaud

Démarrez et faites chauffer le moteur

Le produit qui va être testé est un produit réservé aux professionnels

Il est clairement écrit sur le produit "For professional use only"

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 05:09:33に投稿されました
Clean EGR Valve WITHOUT DISMANTLING - Pre / Post Cleaner Test

How to clean an EGR valve without disassembling with an EGR3 Diesel Cleaner. Test the effectiveness of the cleaner by checking visually the valve before and after cleaning.

Testing an EGR valve cleaner without dismantling

The cleaning of an EGR valve must be carried out with the engine hot

Start and heat the engine

The product that will be tested is a product reserved for professionals

It is clearly written on the product "For professional use only"
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 05:45:53に投稿されました
Cleaning a valve EGR WITHOUT DISMOUNTING - Test of the clearner Before / After

How to clean a valve EGR without dismounting with a cleaner Diesel EGR3. Test to measure the efficiency of the cleaner by visually checking the valve before / after clearning.

Test of a cleaner of valve EGR without dismounting

The cleaning of a valve EGR must be working when the engine is hot.

Boot and warm up the engine.

This product can be tested only with a product for professionals.

It is by the way indicated clearly on the product as " For professional use only"

Sachez que vous pouvez acheter ce produit très facilement sur les sites internet de pièces automobiles et dans certains centres autos

Si vous utilisez ce produit, l'auteur de cette vidéo décline toute responsabilité et ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des éventuels dégâts occasionnés à votre moteur. L'utilisation de ce produit est à votre propre risque

La notice se trouve derrière l'étiquette amovible

Le QR code vous amène sur le site du fabricant

Le nettoyant vanne EGR se trouve dans la rubrique profesionnelle

"A" concerne le nettoyage du collecteur d'admission, du débitmètre d'air et des soupapes d'admission

"C" concerne le nettoyage préventif de la vanne EGR

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 05:27:36に投稿されました
Please be advised that you can purchase this product quite easily on the websites of auto parts, and certain auto centers.

If you use this product, the author of this vidoe accepts no liability and cannot be held liable for potential damages caused to your motor.
Your use of this product is at your own risk.

You can find the instruction behind the removable label.

The QR code will lead you to the manufacturer's website.

You can find the valve cleaner EGR on the professional section.

"A" concerns the cleaning of the inlet manifold, of the air mass sensor, and of the intake valves.

"C" concerns the preventive clearning of the valve EGR.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 06:18:39に投稿されました
Remember that you can buy this product very easily on the websites of automobile parts and in some automobile centers

If you use this product, the creator of this video declines any responsibility and cannot be responsible for any damage caused to your engine. Use of this product is at your own risk

The instructions are located behind the removable label

The QR code will take you to the manufacturer's website

The EGR valve cleaner can be found in the professional section

"A" refers to the cleaning of the intake manifold, air flow meter and intake valves

"C" refers to the preventive cleaning of the EGR valve

Le nettoyage sans démontage est un traitement préventif à réaliser à chaque entretien

Si votre voiture a un fort kilométrage et votre vanne EGR n'a jamais été nettoyée, vous devrez la démonter et pulvériser le produit directement sur la vanne

La vanne EGR de la vidéo a été démontée puis nettoyée il y'a 10000 km : le nettoyage préventif sans démontage peut donc être réalisé

Dans cette vidéo, la vanne EGR va être déposée et photographiée, puis elle sera remontée pour être nettoyée avec le produit, et enfin, sera à nouveau démontée pour effectuer une comparaison AVANT / APRES nettoyage

Voici la vanne avant nettoyage

Les pulvérisations doivent être brèves : elles doivent durer moins de 1 seconde

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 06:00:50に投稿されました
Cleaning without disassembling is a preventive treatment to be carried out at each maintenance

If your car has a high mileage and your EGR valve has never been cleaned, you will have to disassemble it and spray the product directly on the valve

The EGR valve of the video was dismantled and then cleaned at 10000 km: preventive cleaning without dismantling can therefore be carried out

In this video, the EGR valve will be taken off and photographed, then it will be reassembled to be cleaned with the product, and finally, dismantled again to make a comparison BEFORE / AFTER cleaning

Here is the valve before cleaning

Sprays should be brief: it should be less than 1 second
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 06:05:15に投稿されました
The cleaning without dismounting is a preventive treatment to be done at every maintenance.

If your car is with a high mileage and your valve EGR has never been cleaned, you must remove the valve of the car and spray with the product directly.

In this video, the valve EGR will be placed and taken in photo, and then reassembled to be cleaned with the product. Afterwards, the valve will be dismounted in order to compare BEFORE / AFTER cleaning.

Here is the valve before cleaning

The spraying must be quick: less then 1 second
j-cho- 7年以上前
*Excuse-me, I forgot to translate a phrase. Here is the revised one:*

The cleaning without dismounting is a preventive treatment to be done at every maintenance.

If your car is with a high mileage and your valve EGR has never been cleaned,
you must remove the valve of the car and spray the product directly.

The valve EGR of the video was dismounted and cleaned before it reached at 10000km, which means the preventive cleaning without dismounting can be done.

In this video, the valve EGR will be placed and taken in photo, and then reassembled to be cleaned with the product.
Afterwards, the valve will be dismounted in order to compare BEFORE / AFTER cleaning.

Here is the valve before cleaning

The spraying must be quick: less then 1 second

Des pulvérisations trop longues peuvent provoquer l'emballement du moteur, ce qui peut avoir de graves conséquences sur vos injecteurs

Si le moteur accélère trop violemment, raccourcissez le temps de pulvérisation pour que le moteur accélère raisonablement

Le démontage de la vanne EGR va permettre de juger de l'efficacité du produit

On constate que le produit à nettoyé une bonne partie de la vanne EGR

Le produit a certainement également nettoyé le collecteur d'admission et les soupapes d'admission, ce qui favorise les reprises et la souplesse du moteur

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 06:27:03に投稿されました
Spraying too long may result in an engine-runaway, which can have serious consequences on your injection.

If the engine accelerates violently, please shorten the time of spraying so that the engine accelerates correctly.

The dismounting of the valve EGR will allow you to judge the performance of the product.

According to our observation, the product cleaned a large part of the valve EGR.

The product has absolutely cleaned also the inlet manifold and the outlet valves, which simplifies the engine recovery and its flexibility.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 07:32:05に投稿されました
Spraying too long can cause the engine runaway which can have serious consequences for your injectors

If the engine accelerates too violently, make the spraying time short so that the engine accelerates reasonably

Disassembly of the EGR valve will enable to judge the efficiency of the product

We acknowledge that the product cleaned a good part of the EGR valve

Likewise, the product certainly cleaned the intake manifold and intake valves, which helps the recoveries and smoothness of the engine
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2017/01/26 07:20:16に投稿されました
Spray that lasts too long can cause an engine overload that can do serious damage to your injectors.

If the engine accelerates too rapidly, shorten the spray duration so it can accelerate more gradually.

Disassembly of the EGR valve will allow you to judge the efficiency of the product.

You'll notice that the product has cleaned a large portion of the EGR valve.

The product has also cleaned the intake manifold and its valves, which helps with the engine's fluidity and acceleration.



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