2005年にミニアルバム「BABY ROCK」にてメジャーデビュー。
2008年にBACK-ON × GReeeeN × JINのコラボアーティスト『BAReeeeeeeeeeN』として「足跡」をリリース。
2009年にSUMMER SONIC 09に出演。
They released an album "Ashiato" as a collaboration artist "BAReeeeeeeeeeN", which consists of BACK-ON × GReeeeN × JIN.
They appeared on SUMMER SONIC09 on 2009.
2016年は初となるセルフプロデュースにて5th Album「PACK OF THE FUTURE」をリリースし、国内外全13本のTOURを行った。
They have released their 5th Album「PACK OF THE FUTURE」, which was their first self-produced album in 2016, and performed 13 tours in total inside and outside Japan.
In 2016, they released their 5th Album "PACK OF THE FUTURE" by their first self produce, and performed 13 acts in total both in Japan and foreign countries.
They released 5th Album "PACK OF THE FUTURE" produced by themselves for the first time in 2016, and played the tour of 13 concerts in the country and overseas.
They released 5th album "PACK OF THE FUTURE" produced by themselves for the first time in 2016. And, they went inside and outside Japan 13 tours in total.