2005年にミニアルバム「BABY ROCK」にてメジャーデビュー。
2008年にBACK-ON × GReeeeN × JINのコラボアーティスト『BAReeeeeeeeeeN』として「足跡」をリリース。
2009年にSUMMER SONIC 09に出演。
Major debut in the mini-album "BABY ROCK" in 2005.
Released the "footprint" in 2008 as a collaboration artist "BAReeeeeeeeeeN" in the BACK-ON × GReeeeN × JIN.
Appeared in SUMMER SONIC 09 in 2009.
2016年は初となるセルフプロデュースにて5th Album「PACK OF THE FUTURE」をリリースし、国内外全13本のTOURを行った。
They have continuously performed tours and released CDs, and successfully achieved a solo performance at Akasaka BLITZ in 2014.
They have released their 5th Album「PACK OF THE FUTURE」, which was their first self-produced album in 2016, and performed 13 tours in total inside and outside Japan.