[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] Feel the love / Merry-go-round 約3年ぶりとなるシングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は atticfoxx さん a_ayumi さん kkmak さん sujiko さん verdi313 さん japansuki さん aijne さん between-lines さん [削除済みユーザ] さん woonju さん [削除済みユーザ] さん bea_r さんの 12人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 18件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1873文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 6時間 30分 です。

naoki_uemuraによる依頼 2016/03/28 18:03:55 閲覧 3855回
残り時間: 終了

Feel the love / Merry-go-round

約3年ぶりとなるシングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」、Xmas発売決定!
DJ Hello Kitty & m-floによるサウンド・プロデュース!!
シングルとしては、2010年9月リリースの『 L 』以来、約3年ぶりとなる両A面シングル「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」が12月25日に発売!

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 20:12:45に投稿されました
Feel the love / Merry-go-round

The first time after around 3 years, the single "Feel the love / Merry-go-round" is to be released on Christmas!
Sound produced by DJ Hello Kitty and m-flo!!
Since "L", released on September 2010, for the first time after around 3 years, the double A-side single "Feel the love / Merry-go-round" will be released on 25 December!
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 23:31:53に投稿されました
Feel the love / Merry-go-round

Single release for the first time in about three years, "Feel the love / Merry-go-round", will be on sale on Christmas!
The sound is produced by DJ Hello Kitty & m-flo! !
It will be the first single in three years since "L" released in September 2010, and this is the both-A sided single, "Feel the love / Merry-go-round" on sale on Dec. 25th!
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 21:41:04に投稿されました
Feel the love / Merry-go-round

After 3 years the new single 「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」 is going to be sold starting on Christmas!
The sound was produced by DJ Hello Kitty & m-flo !!
As the last single 『 L 』 was released in September 2010, after 3 years the edition A of the new single 「Feel the love / Merry-go-round」 is going to be sold starting on December 25.

4月にデビュー15周年を迎え、約22万人を動員する全国アリーナツアーを大好評のうちに終えるなど、まだまだ進化し続けるayuが放つ会心の新作は、書き下ろし新曲2曲入り両A面シングルで、「Feel the love」はなんと世界中に熱狂的なファンを持つハローキティがDJとして活動している“DJ Hello Kitty”による世界初となるサウンド・プロデュース作!

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 23:50:20に投稿されました
In april reaching her 15th anniversary, mobilizing aproximately 220.000 people all over the country finishing her Arena Tour while still extremely popular, AYUMI HAMASAKI keeps evolving satisfaction with her new work, double A-side singles with a newly composed songs. Sound of "Feel the love" was produced with "DJ Hello Kitty" who has enthusiastic fans all over the world!
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 20:22:30に投稿されました
The arena tour through the whole country to usher in the 15th debut anniversary in April which mobilized around 220 thousand people ended amidst great reviews. The ever evolving AYUMI HAMASAKI's popular new work is a double A-side single including 2 newly composed songs. "Feel the love" is the first single produced by "DJ Hello Kitty" - Hello Kitty, who possesses wildly enthusiastic fans throughout the world.

そのサウンドは、USを中心に全世界をロックしている“EDM(Electric Dance Music)”直系の世界標準サウンド。作曲は小室哲哉氏で、氏独特のキャッチーなメロディと見事な融合を果たしたアップリフティング・チューン。

評価 56
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/29 01:09:50に投稿されました
It is a world standard quality music, which can be genre to EDM (Electric Dance Music) that is spreading out and mainly from US and whole world. The track is written by Tetsuya Komuro, very well composed with his characteristics that can be seen on his song writings which is catchy and uplifting.
Another song is produced by music unit called m-flo, which Japan is proud to present to the world! A real, dance club floor quality music that ☆Taku built, with beats and melody that will make your body move and on top of that track, rap from VERBAl, another member of m-flo, will bring the new side of AYUMI HAMASAKI.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/29 00:24:48に投稿されました
This sound is the direct line of world's standard sound of EDM (Electronic Dance Music) rocking all over the world mainly in the US. The newly composed song is Komuro Tetsuya's unique catchy melody with a admirably fullfilled fusion of uplifting tune.
One more piece was produced by the world proud sound producer unit m-flo! Taku created a floor oriented with a track played with a friendly melody where verbal rap was included, appealing ayu's new attractive in this finest track.

どちらも、名だたるUSトップ・アーティストのヒット曲を数多く手がけるエンジニア、Jaycen Joshuaがミックスし、NYの新進気鋭のエンジニアDave Kutchがマスタリングした一切の妥協無しの本格サウンド。ayuの切ない歌詞と世界標準EDMトラックとが響き合う傑作がここに。
DVDにはL.A.で撮影を敢行したミュージック・ビデオ2本を収録。「Feel the love」ではayuとDJ Hello Kittyの初共演が実現!

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/29 00:13:33に投稿されました
Both are complete sound mixed by Jaycen Joshua who is known for top artist in the US as the mix engineer and compromised by engineer Dave Kutch who is young and energetic musician in NY. These are great artwork with ayu's sentimental lyrics and EDM track of the world standard.
On DVD, recorded the two music videos which make a movie in L.A. In "Feel the love", ayu and DJ Hello Kitty work together first time, it finally came true.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 20:30:00に投稿されました
Mised by sound engineer Jaycen Joshua, who has been in involved in many hit songs by US top renown artists, mixed both songs and mastered by New York's up-and-coming sound engineer Dave Kutch, both are authentic sounds created absolutely without compromization.
Here is a masterpiece in which AYUMI HAMASAKI's witsful lyrics resonate with world standard EDM tracks.
The DVD includes two music videos shot in Los Angeles. "Feel the love" is the realisation of the first collaboration between AYUMI HAMASAKI and DJ Hello Kitty!

しかも、DJ Hello Kittyの日本人アーティストのミュージック・ビデオへの出演はこれが初となる。さらにオフィシャル・ファンクラブ“TeamAyu”会員限定盤は、約15分に及ぶayu自身による楽曲インタビューが収録されたスペシャル仕様!!

「Feel the love」
・dwango.jp TV-CMソング

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 23:52:48に投稿されました
Moreover, it will be the first appearance of the music video of the Japanese artist DJ Hello Kitty. Furthermore, special specifications music interview of about 15 minutes with ayu herself has been recorded for the official fan club "TeamAyu" member limited edition! !

★ Tie-up
"Feel the love"
·TBS system TV nationwide "CDTV" 12 - January opening theme
·H.I.S. campaign CM
·Dwango.jp TV-CM Song
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 23:52:00に投稿されました
Also, the act of DJ Hello Kitty is the first time as Japanese artist on the music video. In addition, the member limited edition of "TeamAyu", the official fan club, is special because this edition have ayu's own music interview about 15 minutes.

★ tie-up
"Feel the love"
・TBS system TV network national wide "CDTV" Opening theme on December and January
・H.I.S.Campaign CM
・dwango.jp TV-CM song

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
浜崎あゆみ / Feel the love(short ver.)

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
浜崎あゆみ / Merry-go-round (先行short ver.)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 18:11:49に投稿されました
★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Feel the love(short ver.)

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Merry-go-round (Priority short ver.)
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 18:12:02に投稿されました

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Feel the love(short ver.)

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Merry-go-round (pre-released short ver. )
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 18:12:12に投稿されました
★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Feel the love(short ver.)

★ayumi hamasaki Youtube official channel
AYUMI HAMASAKI / Merry-go-round (Preferred short ver.)

■DJ Hello Kittyプロフィール
2010年10月DJミックスCD『DJ HELLO KITTY IN THE MIX』でデビュー!

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 19:17:14に投稿されました
Profile of DJ Hello Kitty
Made a debut in DJ mix CD "DJ Hello Kitty in the Mix" in October 2010!
After that, it appeared in "Smap X Smap", and also appeared in a number of places such as
club and event by showing DJ play.
it has been acting by exceeding the border of the country and field without hesitation
where it played not only in the club in Japan but also in Bangkok Thailand in December 2012!
It renewed visual, and working on going into EDM movement, which has been involving the world!
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 23:08:19に投稿されました
■ Profile of DJ Hello Kitty
Debut in October 2010, on DJ mix CD『DJ HELLO KITTY IN THE MIX』!
After he acted on the "SMAPxSMAP" and showed off DJ play. And he expand the playing field as well as clubs and events.
Not only Japan's clubs also Bangkok, Thailand, he is active beyond national boundaries and move in and out of genre from Dcember 2012!!
With visual improvement, he is in action with the goal of EDM movement that is conquer of the world!!

「ミュージックカード」はスマートフォン(Android、iPhone)およびPCでカード裏面に記載された専用サイトにアクセスしPINコードを入力することですぐに音楽をダウンロードして楽しむことができます。(詳細はこちらから http://musicard.jp/)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 18:16:13に投稿されました
■What is MUSIC CARD?
"Music Card" is for you to download and enjoy the music when you use your smartphone (Android or iPhone) and access a dedicated site that has been described on the back of the card by inputting PIN cord. (For more information http://musicard.jp/)

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 19:21:49に投稿されました
At "music card", you can download the music and enjoy listening to it soon by accessing to special website that is listed at the back of the card by using smart phone (Android and iPhone) and personal computer as well as input PIN code (For details, please check http://musicard.jp/).

指定のARアプリに登録された特定の画像に、スマートフォンのカメラ画面をかざすだけで、簡単にミュージックビデオの映像や音楽を試聴したり、スペシャルコンテンツなどを観ることができる便利なツール機能です。本コンテンツをお楽しみ頂くためのARアプリに関しては各MUSICCARD商品に同封された説明書にてご確認下さい。(対応端末:iPhone、Android / 対応OS:iOS6.0以上、Android4.0以上)

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翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/28 22:54:19に投稿されました
■What is the AR technology?

AR technology is that simply play the video, music or special contents, just put the smartphone's camera screen to the specific image of the designated AR application, so it is a easy operation. Please check the instructions with each MUSICCARD, for enjoying the contents on the AR application.(Response device : iPhone、Android / support OS:over iOS 6.0, over Android 4.0)
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/29 00:33:39に投稿されました
■AR function

The particular image registered in the designated AR app, holding the camera screen of the smartphone,in an easy way you can see the music video and hear the music, enjoy the special content available through this technology. The main content can be enjoyed through AR app and MUSICCARD included. (Corresponding phones: iPhone、Android/ System: OS:iOS6. and up, Android4.0 and up)



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