Thank you for your message, and sorry for my slow reply.
I think it would be really cool if you were to remix this song!
And for me, it would be a real privilege.
Yesterday, I went to Tokyo for my job.
My elder sister lives there, and we talked about remixes.
She was saying I'm a terrible singer, so it would be no good (laugh).
For sure, since it was made as a demo, the song is not well recorded…
Sorry about that, since you went to the trouble of asking me.
Anyway, I look forward to your new song!
Thank you for your emial.
And I'm sorry for the late response.
I am sure the song will be amazing if you remix.
It is very honor for me.
I went to Tokyo for business yesterday.
My sister lives in Tokyo so I talked ti her about the remix.
But she says she is bad at singing so she says no. Lol
The song is not well recorded because it was made with the demo.
Thank you for yiyr invitation but I'm sorry.
I'm looking forward to your new song.
Thank you for the mail, and sorry about this late reply.
I think that the music piece will be great if you would remix it, and I am honored to have you offer the work.
I visited Tokyo yesterday on business.
Since my sister lives there, we met and talked about the remixing.
She said it will not work because my singing is too bad to start with. (LOL)
Certainly I was not able to record the singing well for the demo.
I appreciate your offer, but I am afraid that I am not ready for that this time.
I am very much looking forward to your new piece!
Thanks for your email.
And sorry for the late response.
I think your remix of the song was really good!
It was also such a privilege, for me.
Yesterday, I went to Tokyo for work.
Since my elder sister lives there, I tried to talk to her about the remix.
But then, she said the song was poorly done and it was a "no" (LOL).
Of course since it was a demo, the song could not be nicely recorded...
Sorry for the trouble with the invitation.
I look forward to your new song though!
Thank you for your emailing.
And I am sorry that I am late for replying.
I think if you remix this tune, it must be very cool!
And It is indeed an honor for me.
I visited Tokyo on my business yesterday.
I asked my older sister living in Tokyo to join in the remix work.
And she said that she could not do it because she was a bad singer. (lol)
It is true that songs were not recorded well because it was a demo...
I am awfully sorry.
Thank you for asking anyway.
I am looking forward to your brand new tune!
I think your remix of the song *will be* really good!
It *will* also be such a privilege, for me.
But then, she said *she is very bad at songs* and it was a "no" (LOL).