Nana(ナナ)がアメリカの映画宣伝会社TC Candlerが毎年末に行なう「2014 世界で最も美しい顔100人」ランキングで、第1位に選ばれました。
Nana was chosen for the #1 spot in the [100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2014] ranking being held by the US movie advertisement company called TC Candler at the end of every year.
She garnered the #2 spot last 2013 and the #1 spot in 2014 !!
Nana was chosen to the first place in "the world most beautiful faces top 100 of 2014". It is the list released at the end of every year by the TC Candler, US film advertisement company.
She won the first place in 2014 followed by the second ranking of 2013!!
詳しい情報は下記の「TC Candler」サイトをご覧ください。
●「100 Most Beautiful Faces 2014」ページはこちら