「遅刻しそうな女の子が食パンを咥え、走って登校している途中で曲がり角で男の子とぶつかり…… 」というパターンが「少女マンガの定番」とされることが往々にしてあるが、1970~1985の『りぼん』作品を全て読破した経験から言えば、そんなマンガは存在しない。定番ではない。
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Feb 2014 at 05:14
▼ But when did this trend of showing girls running with bread begin?
It's often said that the trope of a girl who runs late to school while holding a slice of bread in her mouth and then bumps into a boy at a street corner comes straight from shoujo manga. However, even after reading all of the works published in the shoujo "Ribon" magazine from years 1970-1985 I have never seen such a scene. So maybe it isn't really a standard shoujo thing?
▼ But when did this trend of showing girls running with bread begin?
It's often said that the trope of a girl who runs late to school while holding a slice of bread in her mouth and then bumps into a boy at a street corner comes straight from shoujo manga. However, even after reading all of the works published in the shoujo "Ribon" magazine from years 1970-1985 I have never seen such a scene. So maybe it isn't really a standard shoujo thing?
Translation / English
- Posted at 17 Feb 2014 at 04:34
▼But, since when the beautiful girls begin to run with a pain de mie in their mouth?
We think usually that "the girl is running to school not to be late, with a pain de mie in her mouth and she will bump a boy in the corner" is the typical scene in the girl's anime. However, I read all anime of "ribban" in from 1970 to 1985, but I couldn't find that anime. It's not tyical.
▼But, since when the beautiful girls begin to run with a pain de mie in their mouth?
We think usually that "the girl is running to school not to be late, with a pain de mie in her mouth and she will bump a boy in the corner" is the typical scene in the girl's anime. However, I read all anime of "ribban" in from 1970 to 1985, but I couldn't find that anime. It's not tyical.
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