10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact. Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper. Spread the word and save someone's life... The Entire world is experiencing natural calamities so be prepared! "We are but angels with one wing, it takes two to fly"
In 1996 we made a film, which proved my survival methodology to be correct. The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul , University of Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten mannequins did "duck and cover," and ten mannequins I used in my “triangle of life" survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the results.
1996年に我々は映画を制作したが、これは私のサバイバル法が正しいことを証明した。トルコ連邦政府、イスタンブール市、イスタンブール大学、ケース・プロダクションズ(Case Productions)、ARTIがこの実地的・科学的実験の映画制作に協力した。我々は20体のマネキンを内部に配置した学校1棟と、家1軒を破壊した。10体のマネキンはいわゆる「duck and cover」(*50~80年代にアメリカで推奨された核兵器に対する防御術)を、そして10体のマネキンには私の「Triangle of Life(生命のトライアングル)」サバイバル法を用いた。地震による倒壊シミュレーションの後、我々は瓦礫をかきわけ建物のなかに入り、実験結果の記録を撮影した。
The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under directly observable, scientific conditions, relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck and cover.
There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using my method of the "triangle of life." This film has been seen by millions of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe , and it was seen in the USA , Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real