It has come to our attention that you have been sending order and/or shipment confirmations to A buyers. Please note that this is no longer necessary due to Charge When Ship Functionality and is considered a violation of our Charge When Ship policies.
As soon as you confirm shipment of an order, we notify the buyer and include all the shipping information you have provided with the confirmation. If you are dispatching items by a traceable method, we request that you include your tracking information when confirming shipment. In order to prevent buyers from receiving multiple notifications, we ask that you refrain from sending separate confirmation emails.
あなたが買い手に、注文や発送の確認を送っていると聞きました。Charge When Shipの機能性には、このことはもはや不要であり、Charge When Shipのポリシーに違反していることをご留意下さい。
We also remind you that URLs, links to web sites and email addresses, including external links which may divert sales to another website or sales process, are not permitted in e-mail communication to A customers. Please review your outgoing emails, including your signature blocks, for compliance with this policy.