He is a good friend of Haruka, who is able to feel thoughts and emotions of his without the use of words.
However, she must admit that she is constantly under stress as he never stops himself from diving in to any pool of water he sees.
But what I like about him is how he is always able to "understand and watch over" Haruka.
Not only is he concerned about Haruka and Nagisa, but also Rin, who goes to a different school.
Albeit he sometimes is a little cowardly, he is also quite matured and so the others do feel rather happy to trust and rely on him.
He is a close friend of Haruka. He can get the message of his mind without saying anything.
However, he is often thrown into confusion by Haruka, who soon jumps in water. His life is full of cares.
I think his charm is "the tenderness to understand and follow Haruka".
He is worried about Rin in another school as well as Haruka and Nagisa who are near him.
Though he is easy to scare, he is more grown up. Therefore he is trusted by everyone as a good coodinator.
For instance, when Haruka comes out in her swimming costume, or when Nagisa pulls his leg and drags him into the pool in episode 1, his face becomes very lively just like a child!
I wonder why all these people from Free! have such attractive characters!!
I cannot stop myself from wanting more of his perplexed and flurried faces.!
For example, in the first episode, when Haruka is in a swimsuit suddenly or when Nagisa throw him into a pool by pulling his leg, his face is so lively as that of his childhood!
Why are the gaps of characters of Free! so wonderful when something happens??
I'd like to see his panicking and perplexed face more often!
頑張れMakoto! Harukaが水着になっても泣かないで!!!
He managed to be the manager of the club (somehow with the flow), I am expecting him to be relied more and more from a lot of people!
Keep it up Makoto! Don't cry even if Haruka's in fer swimsuit!!
He becomes the captain of the club (without his intension). I think more people will trust him!
Hooray Makoto! Don't cry if Haruka is in a swimsuit!!!
タイプミスですね、すみません、最後はDon't cry even if Haruka's in HER swimsuitです。