空賊少年と謎の美少女。二人の出会いが冒険の幕を上げる! 東まゆみ初のオリジナルファンタジー開演!
大好きな家族がいて、親友がいて、時には笑い、時には泣く、そんなどこにでもある日常。見滝原中学校に通う、普通の中学二年生・鹿目まどかも、そんな日常の中で暮らす一人。ある日、彼女に不思議な出会いが訪れる。この出会いは偶然なのか、必然なのか、彼女はまだ知らない。それは、彼女の運命を変えてしまうような出会い―― それは、新たなる魔法少女物語の始まり――。
Have a family to love, best friend is there, laugh and cry at times, an ordinary life. Madoka Shikame is a girl just like every other 7th grade that goes to Mitakihara Middle school. Living in ordinary life, an fateful encounter comes to change her life to a wonderland. If this was just a happening, or it was something that was meant to be, she doesn't know yet. ____ This is a starting of new story of a magical girl___
Daily life everywhere with dear family and dear friends. You sometimes smile and other times cry. Madoka Shikame, ordinary the sophomore of junior high school, is one of those people. One day, she has a wonderful meeting. Is this by coinsidence or inevitable? She doesn't know yet. However, it is one which will change her destiny - and it is a prologue of a story of a new enchantress -.
all the members are cute girls! But all of them are clumzy! Yui came into the club, but she is a completely begginer and she can't play at all. This is a start of band club. They go to the beach sleep over, they noticed that they need a teacher to be their club's adviser... It show time for their slow life band school life into 4 scene structure comics.
Wakaba Sakimoto, is a sophmore girl just like every other sophmore girls. While everybody starts thinking about thier future, Wakaba couldn't find something she "want" to do. But one day, she meets an voice artist, Touko Hosaka. Full with talent. This starts to change Wakaba's life....
Members all blur but charge almost girl! Pretty all! Light music of the instrument just a complete beginner is to join the club, I was able to start somehow. You can try to sea camp for the time being, you can look for an advisor in a hurry .... In emergency start playing four-frame slow club
Saki the young leaves of high school sophomore ordinary girl everywhere. While around start thinking about career, was "What you want to do their own" is to not find the young leaves. One day there, the genius voice actor Hosaka Toko met by chance, ..... that will change the fate of the big young leaves.