[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] それじゃ最初に、シェリーちゃんの好きなことについて教えてくれますか? * 寝ているシェリーちゃんのすぐ右下のあたりに、同じような格好で寝ているスコッチく...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は zhizi さん cocco さん alohaboy さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 16件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1494文字

aiaiによる依頼 2010/12/21 13:33:19 閲覧 1979回
残り時間: 終了
原文 / 日本語 コピー

* 寝ているシェリーちゃんのすぐ右下のあたりに、同じような格好で寝ているスコッチくんの映像。ふたりで一緒にご飯を食べたり、お散歩したりする映像。スコッチくんと一緒に過ごす時間が大好きだったようです。シェリーちゃんにとっては、弟というより息子のような存在で、最愛の息子を失った悲しみに暮れているようです。(このことが、シェリーちゃんのどことなく笑顔の少ない印象と関係があるのかもしれない、と感じました)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 19:04:53に投稿されました
Well then, first of all, would you tell me about Sherry's favorite things to do?
*The video footage in which she is sleeping with Scotch lying near Sherry at her lower right in a similar posture. Another video footage in which they eat and take a walk together. Sherry loved the time with Scotch. For Sherry, Scotch might have been more a son than a younger brother, and she seems to have been suffering from the grief of losing her beloved son. (I thought that it may have something to do with the impression of her, which has a little smile on her face.)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 22:01:50に投稿されました
Well, at first, can you tell me about what Miss Sherry likes?
*A video of sleeping Miss Sherry, and Mr Scotch sleeping in the same position on right bottom side of her. Videos of two, eating together,taking a walk together, etc... She seems like she loved spending time with Mr Scotch. It seems he was more like a son than a brother for Miss Sherry. And she seems to be doleful as if she lost her darling son. (I felt that it is maybe related to Miss Sherry's impression with tinge of smile)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 22:57:51に投稿されました
Then first, would you tell me about Shelley's favorite thing?
* Picture of Scotch lying idle in the figure to which sleeping Shelley is similar immediately around the lower right. The picture which will have a meal and take a walk together. They seem to have liked time to have time with Scotch very much.
For Sherry, I seem to go down in the sorrow that lost a dearest son in existence like the son rather than a younger brother. (I felt that this might be connected with an in some way impression of Sherry with a few smiles)
★★★☆☆ 3.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー

* お庭にウッドデッキがあるようで、そこで過ごすこと。
* 濃紺(実際は緑色でした)の4WDっぽい車の映像。車に乗るのはあまり好きではなさそうだけど、乗って公園や川原に遊びに行くのが好き。

* リビングで、ひとりで寝ている映像。スコッチくんがいなくて寂しい感じ。
* 動物病院に行くこと。(車に乗る前から分かっていて、嫌がる)スコッチがいなくなって病院嫌いになった。
* 長時間歩くこと。(四肢が疲れる感覚)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 19:07:12に投稿されました
*To spend some time in the backyard, and it has a wooden terrace.
* To go to the parks and the riversides by car. (Though, she does not seem to like getting on a car. ) A video footage of the dark navy 4WD-ish car. (It was actually green color.)

What are the things you do not want to do?
*The video footage of Sherry sleeping alone in the living room. She seems lonely without Scotch.
*To go to hospital. (It seems like she knows beforehand when she is taken to hospital, and she does not want to get into the car.) Sherry does not like to go to hospital after Scotch passed away.
*Long walk. (Her limbs seem to get tired.)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 22:14:56に投稿されました
* She has wood deck on her garden. And she likes spending time there.
*An image of dark blue (in fact, it was green) car, which looks like 4WD. She does not seem to like to be in the car but she likes going to the park or river side by car.

Now, can you tell me what she does not like?
*An image of her sleeping alone in the living room. She seems alone without Mr Scotch.
*Going to vets. (She resists as she realizes before getting into the car) She started hating vets after she lost Mr Scotch.
*Walking long time. ( She gets tired on her forelimbs)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 23:11:03に投稿されました
* There seems to be Wood deck in the garden, and spend it there.
* The picture of the the car seems 4WD of the dark blue (actually, It was green). Though she seems not to like driving a car so much, but she likes that she gets and go out to a park and the riverbank to play.

Will you teach it about hateful things this time?
* The image which is sleeping alone in living. There is not Scotch and it is lonely.
* Go to an animal hospital. (She understands before riding in a car and she hates it) Scotch disappeared and became a hospital phobia.
* Walk for a long time. (The sense that limbs are tired from)
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー

* 子供が砂場で遊ぶときに使う黄色いバケツの映像。子供が苦手なのでしょうか?(実際はシェリーの飲み水用の容器でした。クライアント曰く、シェリーは水を飲みすぎて吐くことがあり、その際叱られるのが嫌なのかもしれない、との事。)


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 19:10:03に投稿されました
*The video footage of a yellow bucket which looks like the ones kids use when they play in a sandbox. Doesn’t Sherry like kids? (The yellow bucket was actually Sherry’s bucket for her drinking water. The client told me that she sometimes throws up water when she drinks too much, and that she is afraid that she may be told off.)

(I had a hard time to draw out answers, when I was asking the above identifiable questions. Maybe Sherry was not interested in the topics, and she wanted us to go on to the main topics sooner.)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 22:35:24に投稿されました
* An image of a yellow bucket, which children use in sandbox. Maybe she does not like children? ( In fact, it was Sherry's water bowl. According to the clients, Sherry sometimes spits out because of drinking too much water. And maybe she does not like to be told off when it happens)

(When I was asking about those possible inspection questions above, it was hard because I could not get the answers straight. Maybe, Miss Sherry was not interested in those topics and she wanted to move on the main topic)
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー

* 胃の辺りの不快感。もたれる感じ。ごく軽い吐き気と食欲がわかない感覚。めったにないことだけれど1ヶ月前にご飯を出したら食べない日が1日あった。2ヶ月前夜中に吐いて通院した。
* 腰(とくに左側)から両後肢にかけての軽い痛み、後肢はとくに膝関節とくるぶしの辺り。(後ろ左足から腰に神経がうまく伝達しない持病あり)
* 胸に圧迫感があるせいで息がしづらい感覚。(レントゲン白いモヤモヤッとしたものが写るが病名不明)

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 19:12:26に投稿されました
Sherry, can you tell me where do you feel uncomfortable in your body?
*Stomach discomfort: It feels like having an upset stomach. Slight nausea and small appetite. It rarely happens, but about a month ago, Sherry did not eat at all a whole day. And about two months ago, Sherry threw up and had to go to see a doctor in the middle of the night.
*Light pains from the lower back (especially on the left side) to both legs, and pains on knees joints and around ankles. (Sherry has a chronic illness of failing neurotransmission on her left leg and lower back.)
*Feels difficult to breathe because of a sense of oppression on the chest. (X-ray shows some white shade, but failed to identify a disease.
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/22 00:05:57に投稿されました
Shelley, Would you tell me a worrisome place by physical condition?
* The unpleasantness of the area of the stomach. A feeling to lean on. The sense that extremely light nausea and appetite do not rise in. There was the day when she did not eat if I took out meal one month ago though that was rare. She vomited all over and visited a hospital for treatment two month ago.
* From a waist (the left in particular) a light pain to both hind legs, the hind leg is an area of a knee joint in particular and the ankle. (There is the chronic disease that the nervous system does not transmit to a waist from the back left foot well)
* Feeling a breath is hard to carry out because a feeling of oppression is in a breast. (A white absentminded thing appears in the X-ray, but the name of disease is unknown)
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー


* 頭部 (クライアントによると、後頭部にニキビのような吹き出物があり現在大きくなってきているとのこと)
* 胸(肺)
* 首、背中、腰、でん部にかけて (クライアントによると、首に関しては8歳の頃、甲状腺がんになったとの事。がんは今は見当たらない。喉もときどきウェッとなるので調子悪いのかもしれない、との事)
* 下腹部(腸)
* 後肢

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 19:31:26に投稿されました
At this point, I conducted a body scan test to identify the troubling spots and evaluate the degrees of condition on a scale of one to ten.

*Head: The client told me that Sherry has a pimple-like rash on the back of the head and it is getting bigger.
*Chest (lung)
*Neck, back, lower back and rump (The client told me that, regarding around the neck, Sherry suffered from thyroid cancer when she was 8 years old. The cancer no longer exists. The client thinks that Sherry is not doing well, because she sometimes feels uncomfortable in her throat and feels sick.)
*Lower abdomen (intestine)
*Rear legs
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/22 00:45:13に投稿されました
The body scan was carried out here and a part and a grade (ten-step evaluation) out of condition were investigated.

* Head (There is a rash like a pimple in back of the head according to a client, and it's said that it's becoming big at present.)
* Breast (Lungs)
* To a neck, a back, a lower back and buttocks. (The thing which had thyroid cancer around 8 years old about a neck according to a client. Cancer isn't found now. The throat will be also sometimes tight, so it's said that it may be the one which isn't working well.)
* Abdominal region (the bowels)
* Hind leg
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー




評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 21:22:50に投稿されました
When Sherry experiences the symptoms, if she feels difficult to walk for a long time, the causes may be attributed to the disorders of her chest rather than her legs and lower back.

The owner Mom told me that she wants to tell you that you should not worry about anything and that she is not angry at you, when you wet yourself.

But Sherry says, “I know, but it troubles her and I feel bad.”

Mom knows you do not do that on purpose, and she does not mind, so do not worry about it.

“Yes, thanks, mom.”
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/22 00:30:18に投稿されました
When I received the physical condition that Sherry felt, I felt it if it was hard that she walked for a long time when, if anything, there was it because of the sickness of the chest than the legs.

When pee leaks a little when sleeping, mommy want to say to Shelley "OK, I'm not angry.".
"I understand. But it is the same thing to apply trouble to mommy. She thinks that she feels so sorry."

Because mommy understand that it is not purpose, I never mind it at all. It is all right.
"Well, Thank you, mommy.".

★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1
原文 / 日本語 コピー



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/21 21:24:11に投稿されました
Do you have anything else to worry about?
“It is my job to protest the family. But I am worry about the family, when I think about what would happen after I leave them.”

Would you tell me how you are feeling about Scotch’s absence?
The video footage in which Sherry and Scotch are having a tug-of-war over a soft white ball on a big grass field. “I have lot of good memory with him. I feel like I have a gaping hole opened in my heart.”
★★★★☆ 4.0/1
翻訳 / 英語
- 2010/12/22 01:22:31に投稿されました
Are there any other worrying things?
”It is my work to protect a house. But a family is anxious when I think about time when I disappeared.".

Would you tell me what you are feeling about lost Scotch of your younger brother?
The image which they scramble for the ball which seems to be whitish and seems to be soft, and are playing on large grass.
"A lot of pleasant memories. Feeling as a hole opened in a heart in the sky.".
★★☆☆☆ 2.0/1





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